On 31 January 2015 at 06:05, Rajat Kosh <rajatk...@outlook.com> wrote:

>  Yes, I totally agree. For a country like INDIA where, Internet is not
> accessible by every third person. I don’t think making Everything as Hosted
> will be a Good Idea. Even though, the firefox OS phones are really
> affordable in INDIA (like 25-35$) but, they lack 3G and came with Cheapo
> Hardware (i.e. why most of my friends prefers to buy a cheap android phone
> over Firefox OS phone).
> I’ve seen that most of the people don’t even bother to update their
> Android Phones due to the fact that its gonna cost them for internet data
> consumption and that is why they, just download the apps once and use
> them Offline (like Forever) and this was the only reason that, why most of
> the people were not even attracted when I try to show them the firefox
> OS dynamic/adaptive app Search. All they were questioning was, Is it gonna
> work Offline? (BOOM)
> Making everything Hosted is a good idea because of the fact that packaged
> apps lacks the  benefits of the web but, the main motive of Firefox OS  was
> to bring the next billion’s of people to the online by making the Internet
> Affordable as well as Open for All. Therefore, if we think in terms of
> affordability then Hosted Apps are gonna create a lot of Challenges in it
> (Considering, we have only 2G network capabilities in devices).

I think we need to not conflate "hosted" with "online" and "packaged" with

Packaging is just a way of bundling multiple resources into one resource.
"Hosted" apps could work just as well offline as "packaged" apps do, with
the use of Service Workers.

Packages themselves aren't inherently bad, in fact hosted packages may form
part of the solution.

Perhaps rather than ask "Can we deprecate packaged apps?" I should ask "Can
we deprecate the app:// protocol?".

It's apps which use a non-web app:// URL which I think are harmful to the
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