On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 9:33 AM, <dlmar...@comcast.net> wrote:

> From: "David Medinets" <david.medin...@gmail.com>
> Can links to articles be posted or should the whole article be included in
> the post?
> Not sure, might be up to us.
I'd much rather we not do links only. If I'm coming to our blog as a
centralized point, I don't want to have to go somewhere else to actually
get content.

For example, here's a reposting the HBase folks did on cell level security
in 0.98 from the Intel blogs:


> Are the posts branded as Accumulo or the individual contributor?
> From what I can see on the site, the author is listed.

Posts are branded as both the project and the individual. The HBase example
above also does a good job of showing this.


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