Personally, I'd find it easier to simply suggest people post to a
common Google+ topic/community, when there's something of community
interest to blog about, rather than maintain a monolithic blog.

There may be others with the same topic/name, but this one is the one
I saw first:

Christopher L Tubbs II

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 12:12 PM,  <> wrote:
> I am proposing a blog for the project to be hosted on the 
> site. There was a similar proposal last year on the dev list [1], but no vote 
> or decision. Apache has a web page with setup instructions [2], which also 
> states that the PMC is responsible for the blog content and for granting 
> write access to the blog. The process for setting up a blog is easy and 
> defined in [2].
> To move forward I think we need to resolve some items:
> 1. The bylaws don't define how to vote on blog content, but the default vote 
> is in a Lazy Approval fashion, with no defined timeframe. I’m thinking 3 
> days. Since the PMC is responsible for the content, should we enforce 
> something different, say, consensus or majority approval from active PMC 
> members over 3 days?
> 2. Guidelines for content. If we accept cross-posts from other sites or blog 
> posts from guest writers (non-contributors, non-committers), what rules 
> should be enforced (PMC is responsible for content)? For any author, can 
> their employer or employer's products be mentioned?
> 3. Do the articles need to be Apache licensed?
> [1] 
> [2]

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