Where do you both see http://accumulo.apache.org/source.html#developers-guide falling short? Does the information provided need to be made more concise? Do you think we're missing things that should be expanded? Or, maybe, it just needs to be made more prominent?

I'll take a look at fluo-dev. I haven't seen that one before!

Mike Walch wrote:
A getting started guide would be nice.  It might also be cool to script and
simplify common Accumulo developer tasks.  I created something similar for
Fluo developers:


The fluo-dev project makes it easy to download, configure, and run Fluo
dependencies (i.e Hadoop, Accumulo, Zookeeper).  With everything set up,
developers can build their changes in their Fluo clone and run them locally
for testing using a single command.

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Keith Turner<ke...@deenlo.com>  wrote:

I think a minimal getting started guide is needed on the web site.
Something that will take a user from download to running on a cluster in as
few steps as possible.  This info is buried in the README, but there is too
much other stuff in the readme.

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Josh Elser<josh.el...@gmail.com>  wrote:

I meant to send this out closer to the new year (to ride on the new year
resolution stereotype), but I slacked. Forgive me.

As should be aware by those paying attention, we have had very little
growth within the project over the past 6-9 months. We've had our normal
spattering of contributions, a few from some repeat people, but I don't
think we've grown as much as we could.

I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions on what we could try to do
better in the coming year to help more people get involved with the
project. I don't want this to turn into a "we do X wrong" discussion, so
please try to stay positive and include suggestion(s) for every problem
presented when possible.

Also, everyone should feel welcome to participate in the discussion here.
If you fall into the "bucket" described, I'd love to hear from you. If
anyone doesn't want to publicly respond, please feel free to email me
privately and I'll anonymously post to the list on your behalf.

Some ideas to start off discussion:

* Help reduce barrier to entry for new developers
   - Ensure imple/easy-to-process instructions for getting and building
code in common environments
   - Instructions on running tests and reporting issues

* More high-level examples
   - Maybe we start too deep in distributed-systems land and we scare away
devs who think they "don't know enough to help"
   - Recording "newbie" tickets and providing adequate information for
anyone to come along and try to take it on
   - Encourage/help/promote "concrete" ideas/code in the project.
that is more tangible for devs to wrap their head around (also can help
with adoption from new users)

* Better documentation and "marketing"
   - We do "ok" with the occasional blog post, and the user manual is
usually thorough, but we can obviously do better.
   - Can we create more "literature" to encourage more users and devs to
get involved, trying to lower the barrier to entry?

Thanks all.

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