Hi Joe,
 Thanks for the feedback.
This is really great!
Did your folks look at d4m.mit.edu?
It might address a couple of the issues.

Regards.  -Jeremy

On Jan 13, 2015, at 5:49 PM, Joe Stein <joe.st...@stealth.ly> wrote:

> I have had a lot of feedback in the market place on Accumulo. This feedback
> was 100% from folks that didn't have Accumulo as a requirement to run and
> feel that it is very relevant to broader adoption. All of the below
> comments are a combination of my own opinions and what I have heard from
> others in the market in discussion about Accumulo.
> 1) Iterators are awesome from a software architecture perspective. From a
> development perspective if you have worked with them you have an experience
> or two to share on how to improve them. Anything that can be done to
> improve this experience for developers will be welcomed for new and
> existing users.
> 2) Lots of little cosmetic surface things in lots of places and attentions
> to details. e.g. https://github.com/apache/accumulo the branch is not the
> latest and even the latest branch (master?) README isn't really welcoming
> or appealing from a "my first time visiting the project" perspective. For
> new users you only get 1 impression for a first impression, this is
> important under the "technical marketing umbrella".  Some Vagrant and/or
> Docker will make getting up and running quickly fantastic for folks that
> have to (or want to) interact with Accumulo.
> 3) The project should/could have more out of the box integrations and
> support from the core project release cycles. e.g. Accumulo Framework for
> Apache Mesos. I don't think the drive for this (Mesos support) is lacking
> but having spoken to other Accumulo users there is no clear path how folks
> can help to make this happen. The eco system just isn't big enough for
> these type of projects to exist successfully outside the core project on
> some github url.
> 4) Some eco system page or place where "all things accumulo" can be sought
> after... planet accumulo, something like that (no reason to reinvent this
> wheel).  This is probably a combined issue of lack of aggregatable things
> (which we should try to improve) and the ability to have them seen in one
> place.  One of the coolest things I have seen Accumulo release since
> following the project has been
> https://blogs.apache.org/accumulo/entry/scaling_accumulo_with_multi_volume
> but haven't seen anything else since this posting. Is it that the
> information isn't bubbling up or that people aren't posting more about cool
> things in place? Are people even using it?
> 5) Not; just; Java; please; => how about more Scala (maybe Iterator
> examples) and/or Go with some ProtoBuf interface? from an implementation
> perspective Java; just; kills; things; in; their; tracks; ! and Thrift has
> a way to-do that too...
> 6) Operations is almost an opaque box. Getting something up and running for
> development is important but so is pushing it into production and
> sustaining it at scale. The more information about how this is done and
> where things work and do not work will be a  *HUGE* driver for the
> community (IMHO). Again, maybe all this stuff is out there and #4 is really
> how to solve this for folks to not spend their nights and weekends googling.
> 7) Apache Spark support. While arguably this goes under #3 I think it has
> to be called out as another (better?) option for MapReduce. It is really
> easy to get Spark to use AccumuloInputFormat which is wonderful and a
> fantastic opportunity for making Accumulo shine with Spark. A few samples
> people can run with Spark and Accumulo together that do something more than
> word count will go a long way to attracting an audience too.
> 8) More ways to highlight the work loads that Accumulo was built for and
> what it does now and how it is not about website or social or ads is
> important to organizations in verticals that care differently about their
> data.
> 9) Better call out features and highlight them with more examples
> explicitly. I might be repeating myself at this point but wanted to bring
> up "Tracing" as another good example of a REALLY cool feature that folks
> when they see it don't entirely understand what/how todo with it. Google
> for "accumulo trace" or even going through the documentation it is
> impossible to figure out how to use it and make it work without late nights
> and tender loving care.
> None of these things are easy and are very demanding for open source
> projects and communities. I think this is a great discussion and hope to
> continue to contribute moving forward.
> /*******************************************
> Joe Stein
> Founder, Principal Consultant
> Big Data Open Source Security LLC
> http://www.stealth.ly
> Twitter: @allthingshadoop <http://www.twitter.com/allthingshadoop>
> ********************************************/
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Keith Turner <ke...@deenlo.com> wrote:
>> I think a minimal getting started guide is needed on the web site.
>> Something that will take a user from download to running on a cluster in as
>> few steps as possible.  This info is buried in the README, but there is too
>> much other stuff in the readme.
>> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Josh Elser <josh.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I meant to send this out closer to the new year (to ride on the new year
>>> resolution stereotype), but I slacked. Forgive me.
>>> As should be aware by those paying attention, we have had very little
>>> growth within the project over the past 6-9 months. We've had our normal
>>> spattering of contributions, a few from some repeat people, but I don't
>>> think we've grown as much as we could.
>>> I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions on what we could try to do
>>> better in the coming year to help more people get involved with the
>>> project. I don't want this to turn into a "we do X wrong" discussion, so
>>> please try to stay positive and include suggestion(s) for every problem
>>> presented when possible.
>>> Also, everyone should feel welcome to participate in the discussion here.
>>> If you fall into the "bucket" described, I'd love to hear from you. If
>>> anyone doesn't want to publicly respond, please feel free to email me
>>> privately and I'll anonymously post to the list on your behalf.
>>> Some ideas to start off discussion:
>>> * Help reduce barrier to entry for new developers
>>> - Ensure imple/easy-to-process instructions for getting and building
>>> code in common environments
>>> - Instructions on running tests and reporting issues
>>> * More high-level examples
>>> - Maybe we start too deep in distributed-systems land and we scare away
>>> devs who think they "don't know enough to help"
>>> - Recording "newbie" tickets and providing adequate information for
>>> anyone to come along and try to take it on
>>> - Encourage/help/promote "concrete" ideas/code in the project.
>> Something
>>> that is more tangible for devs to wrap their head around (also can help
>>> with adoption from new users)
>>> * Better documentation and "marketing"
>>> - We do "ok" with the occasional blog post, and the user manual is
>>> usually thorough, but we can obviously do better.
>>> - Can we create more "literature" to encourage more users and devs to
>>> get involved, trying to lower the barrier to entry?
>>> Thanks all.

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