I don't have the time to look at these right now. There isn't much special about how Accumulo uses Kerberos either. It's straightforward use via SASL with Thrift. I haven't looked at it since it was passing when I wrote it originally.

On 3/20/18 2:32 PM, Christopher wrote:
I'm currently looking at the KerberosRenewalIT failures that seem to be persisting across branches. From the logs, it looks like the accumulo services are trying to do ticket-cache based login renewals, instead of keytab-based renewals. This has been a problematic test for me before, and as such, I've gotten into the habit of ignoring it, but since I've not been able to get it to work on reruns, and it fails nearly 100% of the time (if not 100%) for me now, I decided to take a closer look. If it is doing ticket-cache based renewals, that could indicate a bug in the Kerberos authentication, and that would probably warrant a -1 from me... but I will continue to investigate first.

Josh, you know more about the Kerberos stuff than anyone here, so if you have time/interest, I wouldn't mind getting your feedback on why this test might be failing for me.

On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 3:44 PM Christopher <ctubb...@apache.org <mailto:ctubb...@apache.org>> wrote:

    Accumulo Developers,

    Please consider the following candidate for Accumulo 1.7.4.

    Git Commit:

    If this vote passes, a gpg-signed tag will be created using:
         git tag -f -m 'Apache Accumulo 1.7.4' -s rel/1.7.4 \

    Staging repo:
    Source (official release artifact):
    (Append ".sha1", ".md5", or ".asc" to download the signature/hash
    for a given artifact.)

    All artifacts were built and staged with:
         mvn release:prepare && mvn release:perform

    Signing keys are available at https://www.apache.org/dist/accumulo/KEYS
    (Expected fingerprint: 8CC4F8A2B29C2B040F2B835D6F0CDAE700B6899D)

    Release notes (in progress) can be found at:

    Please vote one of:
    [ ] +1 - I have verified and accept...
    [ ] +0 - I have reservations, but not strong enough to vote against...
    [ ] -1 - Because..., I do not accept...
    ... these artifacts as the 1.7.4 release of Apache Accumulo.

    This vote will remain open until at least Thu Mar 22 20:00:00 UTC 2018
    (Thu Mar 22 16:00:00 EDT 2018 / Thu Mar 22 13:00:00 PDT 2018).
    Voting continues until the release manager sends an email closing
    the vote.


    P.S. Hint: download the whole staging repo with
         wget -erobots=off -r -l inf -np -nH \
         # note the trailing slash is needed

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