Just curious why the Accumulo Access library mentions is in "Other". I
think an alternate version of this could describe Accumulo Access in the
"Project Status" or "Project Activity" section and then add the release to
the "Releases" section. Does it get relegated to "Other" because it's a
sub-project (is that what would happen to testing, docker, etc.)?

On Tue, Apr 2, 2024 at 10:34 AM Ed Coleman <edcole...@apache.org> wrote:

> The Accumulo community decided to draft the Apache community reports on the
> Accumulo dev list – and this is a draft of the April report for review /
> comments. The report is due by Wednesday, April 10th. I'd like to submit
> the report on Friday, April 5th.
> The text below is copied from the reporting tool and may not reflect the
> final formatting of the final report when submitted.
> Ed Coleman
> --- begin report text from report tool ---
> ## Description:
> The mission of Apache Accumulo is the creation and maintenance of software
> related to a robust, scalable, distributed key/value store with cell-based
> access control and customizable server-side processing.
> ## Project Status:
> - Current project status: Ongoing with high activity.
> - Issues for the board: None.
> Accumulo is currently working on some significant development efforts.
> Improving
> the performance and stability of the 2.1.x line, adding new features and
> performance improvements to 3.1 line, and the evolution of the processing
> model to support dynamic scaling and provide elasticity.
> ## Membership Data:
> Apache Accumulo was founded 2012-03-21 (12 years ago) There are currently
> 42
> committers and 39 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio
> is
> roughly 1:1. It is our practice to invite committers to be PMC members at
> the
> same time. The difference between committers and PMC members is because
> some
> PMC members have elected to go emeritus.
> Community changes, past quarter:
> - No new PMC members. Last addition was Daniel Roberts on 2023-08-09.
> - No new committers. Last addition was Daniel Roberts on 2023-08-10.
> ## Project Activity:
> ### Releases:
> - accumulo-1.10.4 was released on 2023-11-16.
> - accumulo-2.1.2 was released on 2023-08-21.
> - accumulo-3.0.0 was released on 2023-08-21.
> The Accumulo 1-10.x line reached end-of-life and Accumulo-1.10.4 is the
> final release. The vote thread can be found at [1]
> Activity on the next release of 2.1.3, has been very active with bug-fixes
> and
> performance improvements that are being driven by community adoption of
> 2.1.x. Currently 174 PRs have been merged, and there are 21 open issues
> with 1
> labeled as a blocker for the release.
> Work is actively proceeding on 3.1.0 that will contain new features and
> performance improvements. Currently, 3.1.0 has 266 merged PRs.
> In parallel to 3.1, work continues on the evolution of the Accumulo
> processing
> model to support dynamic scaling and provide elasticity [2]. The goal for
> Accumulo is to move from a model where active table metadata and table data
> management is hosted in active processes to a model that can dynamically
> scale
> server components on-demand to provide configurable latency and higher
> scalability.
> ### Other:
> 2024-02-17 Released Accumulo Access Library.  The library provides a
> stand-alone java library with an AccessExpression syntax and an ANTLRv4
> grammar that enables reuse separate from Accumulo.  Within Accumulo, the
> AccessExpression is used in the ColumnVisibility and VisibilityEvaluator to
> provide column-level authorization for data access. The vote thread is
> available at [3]
> ## Community Health:
> Overall community health is good and GitHub activity remains consistent.
> The email traffic reflects the community preference of using GitHub
> projects
> and issues for planning and PRs for code discussions. We also use our slack
> channel for day-to-day communications. We continue to use the mailing list
> for
> official Apache business and remains a channel for users to contact us.
> ## Links
> [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/6jy0v0qk14163xx19ocz4l3xxc1rzr3z
> [2] https://github.com/orgs/apache/projects/164/views/1
> [3] https://lists.apache.org/thread/q96v767png90mfm4t330kfbjvml0rc37
> --- end text ---

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