+1 [a] ActiveMQ Artemis


On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Timothy Bish <tabish...@gmail.com> wrote:

> +1  [c] ActiveMQ Reactive
> On 04/14/2015 11:42 AM, Hiram Chirino wrote:
> > Now that we have chosen to give the HornetQ code donation a code name,
> > it's time to pick what that code name will be.  Please select from one
> > of the following options:
> >
> > [a] ActiveMQ Artemis
> > [b] ActiveMQ Luna
> > [c] ActiveMQ Reactive
> >
> > Vote will be open for 72 hours.  The option with the most votes will win.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Hiram
> >
> --
> Tim Bish
> Sr Software Engineer | RedHat Inc.
> tim.b...@redhat.com | www.redhat.com
> twitter: @tabish121
> blog: http://timbish.blogspot.com/

perl -e 'print
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ActiveMQ in Action: http://bit.ly/2je6cQ
Blog: http://bruceblog.org/
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