+1  time to move on to 8

On 10/19/2016 08:44 AM, Christopher Shannon wrote:
With the release of Camel 2.18 I thought now was a good time to propose
this.  I think for the ActiveMQ 5.15 release we should bump the required
Java version to Java 8 as this will allow us to use Camel 2.18 so we can
finally fix our OSGi module and drop the deprecated Spring DM entirely.
This release probably won't go out until sometime next year and by that
time JDK 9 should be either released or close to being released and JDK 7
will have had its last public update nearly 2 years ago.

Also, I figure we might as well do the same thing for Artemis.

Any objections or reasons to stick with Java 7?

Tim Bish
twitter: @tabish121
blog: http://timbish.blogspot.com/

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