Can you elaborate on what exactly you haven't been able to translate into
Artemis' plugin architecture? As Gary mentioned, there's a fairly rich set
of integration points with the various plugins and the fact that the
security manager is pluggable as well. Examples of most of these are
shipped with the broker to help you get going. You shouldn't need to
implement your own JAAS login module as far as I can tell from your

That said, right now you'll have to jump through a few hoops to get details
from the SSL certificate into the authorization method as the
RemotingConnection is no longer passed into it [1]. See ARTEMIS-4059 [2]
for additional discussion on that point.

Ultimately there's no set of classes which will give you a 1 to 1
translation for migrating plugins since the internal broker architectures
are so different. However, the basic concepts should translate such that
just about anything you could do in "Classic" you should be able to do in
Artemis. If not, we'll implement those abilities where it makes sense.



On Wed, Dec 28, 2022 at 4:45 AM Jędrzej Dudkiewicz <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I wrote to this group earlier
> (
> and got a response regarding migrating plugin from AMQ to Artemis. But
> honestly even after reading links provided by Garry Tully I can't
> figure out how I should proceed. My plugin extends BrokerFilter
> (import and uses most/all
> available methods: start(), addConnection(), removeConnection(),
> addConsumer(), removeConsumer(), addDestination(),
> addDestinationInfo(), removeDestination(), removeDestinationInfo(),
> addProducer() and send().
> My first problem is that the first thing I want to do is to retrieve
> the certificate from connection (so probably getTransportConnection()
> from RemotingConnection in Artemis should be used?), parse it, read
> few fields and store proper information in SecurityContext associated
> with this connection. Later this info is used to determine whether a
> connected client can create, delete or send messages to specific
> destinations (queues/topics?). Plugin also sends information about
> connecting/disconnecting clients and so on to predefined queue.
> I tried to figure out how the JAAS plugin can be used for this, but
> JAAS as a whole seems to be overly complicated and I'd rather
> reimplement everything from scratch than try to figure out how to use
> such umm...  well regarded and mature solution.
> Is there some set of classes allowing for 1 to 1 translation of
> ActiveMQ to Artemis plugins?
> TIA,
> --
> Jędrzej Dudkiewicz
> I really hate this damn machine, I wish that they would sell it.
> It never does just what I want, but only what I tell it.

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