I haven't looked into Artemis plugin system yet but long time ago I evaluated hivemq plugin architecture and their approach towards certificate handling was relying on proxy protocol from HA proxy. With it, hivemq was able to stick certificate with connection attempts and offer plugins an API to retrieve it. From my earlier experiences I remember that getting client certificate on server side was always custom and specific to the tool.
Anyhow, looking forward to see how it will look a like with Artemis.


On 5.01.2023 10:57, Jędrzej Dudkiewicz wrote:
To follow up: I have attached my test project. To send message to the
queue, simply call

wget 'http://localhost:8080/send?msg=napis'

from the command line. All calls to the plugin's methods are logged
using a custom aspect. Note that only methods that are overrode are
logged, so e.g. methods used for bridging or federation are not there
as I omitted them from the plugin (also bridging and federation are
not used).

I hope this will help someone somehow.

Jędrzej Dudkiewicz

On Thu, Jan 5, 2023 at 10:32 AM Jędrzej Dudkiewicz
<jedrzej.dudkiew...@gmail.com> wrote:


Thank you for an answer. I have problems even with starting, since
from what I see security was completely changed from what was
available in ActiveMQ. First thing is that there is no SecurityContext
object attached to the client so to say, so I don't really know where
I should store information read from certificate and access
permissions. It seems that e.g. BrokerMessageAuthorizationPlugin gets
it from reference to server (that it gets from its "registered"
callback) by getting its securityStore() and from that ServerSession
and from that Subject. It seems that I could do the same, *but* I
can't find any way to put my own information there. It seems that to
do it I'd have to go the hard route and implement my own
securityManager (as it is used when creating securityStore in
ActiveMQServerImpl) at least and probably some other classes. This is
why I thought about using JAAS - this way "all" I'd have to do is to
reimplement "CertificateLoginModule" used by
"ActiveMQJAASSecurityManager". It takes care of reading certificate
and parsing it, but

a) make different assumptions about which field from certificate will be used,
b) from what I understand uses properties file to get roles for users.

I use OID "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1" which contains data in format
"ROLE/UUID", where "UUID" is client's UUID which serves as both its
identifier and name of queue for messages sent to client, and "ROLE"
is more or less a predefined set of permissions that controls what
queues (by name) this client can read from, write to and create.

This is one problem. Another is how I should check whether a client
can create a queue. I wrote simple SpringBoot based program that
embeds Artemis, installs my plugin and then sends message to
"QUEUEDEF" (sorry my naming sense). It seems that from the plugin's
perspective  the flow of the process of client connecting and sending
single message is as follows:

CALLING: beforeCreateSession
CALLING: beforeMessageRoute
CALLING: afterMessageRoute
CALLING: afterCreateSession
CALLING: beforeAddBinding
CALLING: beforeMessageRoute
CALLING: afterMessageRoute
CALLING: afterAddBinding
CALLING: afterCreateQueue
CALLING: beforeSend
CALLING: beforeMessageRoute
CALLING: afterMessageRoute
CALLING: afterSend

I don't know why but "beforeCreateQueue" is not called - not that it
is important since I can't do anything with it as I have no access to
ServerSession in this callback.
What I am interested in is whether I am correctly assuming that
basically the only place I can check anything is "beforeSend"
callback. Unfortunately it is called after "afterCreateQueue" (and as
I wrote "beforeCreateQueue" is not called), so I can't prevent queue
creation in this case - there is not enough data passed to the
Also it seems that "canAccept" is called only when a message is about
to be sent to the consumer, and it makes me wonder what is the reason
for lack of other "canDoSomething" methods, e.g. "canCreateQueue()" :)

To sum up:

1. I can't see a way to attach my own data to client's session and the
only way to do it seems to be write JAAS plugin/login module.
2. I can't see a way to prevent client from creating arbitrary queues.

Jędrzej Dudkiewicz

On Thu, Jan 5, 2023 at 4:31 AM Justin Bertram <jbert...@apache.org> wrote:

Can you elaborate on what exactly you haven't been able to translate into
Artemis' plugin architecture? As Gary mentioned, there's a fairly rich set
of integration points with the various plugins and the fact that the
security manager is pluggable as well. Examples of most of these are
shipped with the broker to help you get going. You shouldn't need to
implement your own JAAS login module as far as I can tell from your

That said, right now you'll have to jump through a few hoops to get details
from the SSL certificate into the authorization method as the
RemotingConnection is no longer passed into it [1]. See ARTEMIS-4059 [2]
for additional discussion on that point.

Ultimately there's no set of classes which will give you a 1 to 1
translation for migrating plugins since the internal broker architectures
are so different. However, the basic concepts should translate such that
just about anything you could do in "Classic" you should be able to do in
Artemis. If not, we'll implement those abilities where it makes sense.


[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARTEMIS-4059

On Wed, Dec 28, 2022 at 4:45 AM Jędrzej Dudkiewicz <
jedrzej.dudkiew...@gmail.com> wrote:


I wrote to this group earlier
and got a response regarding migrating plugin from AMQ to Artemis. But
honestly even after reading links provided by Garry Tully I can't
figure out how I should proceed. My plugin extends BrokerFilter
(import org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerFilter) and uses most/all
available methods: start(), addConnection(), removeConnection(),
addConsumer(), removeConsumer(), addDestination(),
addDestinationInfo(), removeDestination(), removeDestinationInfo(),
addProducer() and send().

My first problem is that the first thing I want to do is to retrieve
the certificate from connection (so probably getTransportConnection()
from RemotingConnection in Artemis should be used?), parse it, read
few fields and store proper information in SecurityContext associated
with this connection. Later this info is used to determine whether a
connected client can create, delete or send messages to specific
destinations (queues/topics?). Plugin also sends information about
connecting/disconnecting clients and so on to predefined queue.

I tried to figure out how the JAAS plugin can be used for this, but
JAAS as a whole seems to be overly complicated and I'd rather
reimplement everything from scratch than try to figure out how to use
such umm...  well regarded and mature solution.

Is there some set of classes allowing for 1 to 1 translation of
ActiveMQ to Artemis plugins?

Jędrzej Dudkiewicz

I really hate this damn machine, I wish that they would sell it.
It never does just what I want, but only what I tell it.

Jędrzej Dudkiewicz

I really hate this damn machine, I wish that they would sell it.
It never does just what I want, but only what I tell it.

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