Yeah, I think it's a good idea to separate the example:
- they can leave with their own lifecycle
- they don't "impact" build on the main

+1 for me


On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 12:12 PM Robbie Gemmell
<> wrote:
> I'd like to move the artemis examples out of the main build+repo and
> into a specific repo of their own.
> There are a significant number of them, most of which rarely change,
> and I think it would be nicer to have them sitting standalone. Having
> them in-build somewhat complicates things as they are, and also quite
> significantly slows down the release process currently. The repo/build
> also tends to be marked for security issues that are only related to
> the examples components (obviously we'd still want to update things in
> the separate repo, but theyd at least be separate). The nightly
> snapshot deploy job takes an age, mostly due to the examples. There is
> really no reason we should be deploying them, so I'd also stop doing
> that in a shift; I wouldnt actually envisage us releasing the examples
> at all. We would set up the CI to continue building them similarly to
> as we do now, theyd just sit separately.
> Several other projects also use separate repos for their examples,
> especially those with many of them. Specific cases I can think of
> coming across most regularly are probably the multiple variants of
> Camel, and Quarkus. On searching here at the ASF there do appear to be
> various other projects that do this too:
> Thoughts?
> Robbie

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