Got it Suresh. Thanks for putting it clearly :)

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 5:48 PM, Suresh Marru <> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 6:26 PM, Saminda Wijeratne <>wrote:
>> You mean like a monitoring client at client end triggering a listener?
> Thats ideal, but different story altogether. I mean triggering a listener
> for all major status changes including canceling.
> In this context I mean once the client gets Canceling at experiment level,
> once all lower level statues gets updated, we should ensure subsequent
> client query to experiment returned Cancelled. I see your plan already
> accounts for it, was just restating its simpler for gateways to wait on
> experiment status instead of expecting to navigate through Task->Job to
> verify the success.
> Suresh
>> On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Suresh Marru <> wrote:
>>> Hi Saminda,
>>> This like a good plan, I think we should make sure the API server
>>> properly reports these statuses back to the clients.
>>> Suresh
>>> On Apr 21, 2014, at 9:06 AM, Saminda Wijeratne <>
>>> wrote:
>>>  Hi All,
>>> After looking at the current design and doing some trial and error I
>>> thought of implementing the cancellation as follows.
>>>    - Cancellation of an experiment requested by a gateway requires
>>>    cancellation request to go through several layers. (Orchestrator > GFac >
>>>    GFac Provider)
>>>    - Each layer is responsible for handling cancellation relevant for
>>>    that layer (Orchestration cancels experiment, GFac cancels Task, GFac
>>>    Provider cancels Job)
>>>    - What I thought is, each layer will listen to cancellation request
>>>    made to the layer above and perform its cancellation actions accordingly.
>>>    (GFac will see the experiment is having the status "canceling" for an
>>>    experiment id and it will perform cancellation of the tasks relevant for
>>>    that experiment)
>>>       - Effectively the Orchestrator will be
>>>       - updating the status of the experiment in registry with the
>>>          status "canceling"
>>>          - publish a message which will be caught by GFac instance
>>>          which handles its Tasks.
>>>          - GFac will perform the same and the correct GFac Provider
>>>       instance will catch the message and perform the actual job 
>>> cancellation.
>>>    - Once the job cancellation is done the statuses at each layer will
>>>    be updated (to "canceled") in  similar fashion.
>>>    - We allow the API call of cancellation to be asynchronous
>>>    - I'm hoping to use the MonitorPublisher implemented by Lahiru to
>>>    publish the messages.
>>> wdyt?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Saminda

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