Nadeem Anjum wrote:
Hello Everyone,

I have almost been able to complete the implementation to enable GenApp submit jobs to Airavata, while assuming that the modules are already registered (i.e. by doing the registration manually). I am currently stuck at an issue (hence "almost") related to passing json input to the application in the proper format, for which I have started a discussion on the mailing list [1] (and still looking for a solution)

My next step, after solving the above issue, would be to automate the process of registering the genapp modules.


Hi Nadeem,

Nice to hear that you are getting close to working Airavata job submission.

On the issue with getting correct format JSON passed, I had a similar issue when implementing the "ssh" type resource (i.e. running via ssh on a compute node instead of on the webserver's localhost) I couldn't find a quick solution without creating a file (although there may be a solution that doesn't require it), so I created a file "_args" containing the JSON and then the argument became "$(< $dir/_args )" You will see my "ssh" resource code in base.php controlled by the flag $fileargs
Possibly this may also work in the Airavata submission case.


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