Hi Shubham,

See below: 

> On Jun 28, 2022, at 12:39 PM, Bipin Kumar, Shubham <sbip...@iu.edu> wrote:
> Hi Marcus,
> I had the following question on dashboard developments . Can you please 
> clarify these:
> Can I use React for frontend development or is it compulsory to use VueJs?

As such we would not have opinion, but in this case please use VueJS since rest 
of the apps are built in it and It. 

> Should the dashboard be an independent application, or it should be 
> integrated as a page in Django portal?
It should be a Django app to be deployed within the Airavata Django Framework. 

> For getting the data like user details, experiment details or resources 
> details should we establish direct connections to respective databases or use 
> the Airavata API's to fetch those details. In case there aren't any API's to 
> support the data needed what should be the course of action?
Always only use API’s we suggest database interactions do not go beyond the 
respective components. So if you need to get any data Client -> Airavata 
API->Component CPI -> Database


> Regards,
> Shubham

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