On 2019/01/27 12:54:18, airflowuser <airflowu...@protonmail.com.INVALID> wrote: 
> Apparently dot - "." is a reserved char for sub-dags.
> See here:  https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AIRFLOW-3292
> I didn't know that, nor the author of this ticket (I assume others also don't 
> know that as it isn't listed in the docs)
> Reserve words/chars is something that is pretty fundamental.
> Shouldn't Airflow prevent from users to use chars/words that may cause 
> problems ?

I've also been bitten by invalid characters thing 
[earlier](https://stackoverflow.com/a/51103180/3679900) (though mine was with 
task_id and not dag_id). I agree that this fine detail is missing in the docs 
and I had do do a fair bit of digging through to code to arrive at 

Particularly regarding SubDags, the dot '.' character limitation seems 
inhibiting, and extending SubDagOperator to do away with [this 
 might have worked if it weren't for [this 
 which isn't going away till Airflow 2.0

Also see [How to extend 

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