Thanks for all those who answered, there's some useful answers in there.

I've done a short write up

Headline takeways:

Average rating of 8.3, NPS of 35

Many people expecting to use @ApacheAirflow more this year

Most people (65%) are using Celery executor, with Local and Kube most of the 

Lots of call for sensible requests. Now we just need time to build them!


> On 14 Feb 2019, at 16:27, Ash Berlin-Taylor <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> It occurs to me I don't really know how people use Airflow, and I'd like to 
> know a bit more about what sort of size clusters people run.
> So if you have 5 minutes spare I'd appreciate filling out this short, 7 
> question survey:
> I'll give it a week or so then summarise the answers back here :)
> Thanks,
> Ash

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