
This is what we need. The documentation is incomplete, so the potential for
project growth is limited. I personally support every way that the
documentation is better. This is very important for me.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 10:29 PM Aizhamal Nurmamat kyzy
<aizha...@google.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> TL;DR Google Season of Docs (GSoC for Documentation) was announced
> yesterday. Airflow can benefit from this program, as it doesn't have a
> designated technical writer. To participate, an Airflow member can directly
> apply before 23rd April, and if selected, the team will have a chance to
> receive an experienced technical writer for 3 months helping to improve the
> documentation.
> Google Season of Docs is the program that brings open source projects and
> technical writers together [1]. It is similar to Google Summer of Code but
> for Documentation, and the technical writers are not students but
> experienced folks in the filed. Projects can apply directly, it doesn't
> have to be through ASF for example.
> To be a mentor in this program, you don't have to be a technical writer,
> but you must know the product and the open source well to onboard/introduce
> tech writers to the project and be able to support them during the whole
> process.
> I think it will be very beneficial for Airflow to participate, as the
> survey also pointed out the need for Docs improvement [2].
> If there is interest, i will be happy to coordinate the application process
> and support interested mentors.
> Thanks,
> A.
> [1] https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/timeline
> [2]
> https://ash.berlintaylor.com/writings/2019/02/airflow-user-survey-2019/


Kamil Breguła
Polidea <https://www.polidea.com/> | Software Engineer

M: +48 505 458 451 <+48505458451>
E: kamil.breg...@polidea.com
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