If you are using KubernetesExecutor, you can configure a git-sync side car
that fetches files from remote git.


On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 9:00 AM Gabriele Di Bernardo <gdiberna...@bol.com>

> Hello everyone,
> I am relatively new to Airflow and I am not sure if this is the right
> place to ask questions.
> We set up a simple Kubernetes pod running a Docker image that contains
> Airflow. We want the DAGs to be synced from a Git repository. The first
> idea we had was to define an extra dag responsible for syncing the dag
> folder with the remote repository. However, I saw that in the airflow.cfg
> file there are some entries related to Git:
> # Git credentials and repository for DAGs mounted via Git (mutually
> exclusive with volume claim)
> git_repo =
> git_branch =
> git_subpath =
> # Use git_user and git_password for user authentication or
> git_ssh_key_secret_name and git_ssh_key_secret_key
> # for SSH authentication
> git_user =
> git_password =
> git_sync_root = /git
> git_sync_dest = repo
> # Mount point of the volume if git-sync is being used.
> # i.e. {AIRFLOW_HOME}/dags
> git_dags_folder_mount_point =
> So I was wondering what is the best way to keep in sync Airflow with a
> remote repository that contains DAGs and if this functionality is already
> integrated natively in Airflow!
> Thank you so much!
> Best,
> Gabriele


Chao-Han Tsai

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