Hi everyone!

I've hinted at this to a few people in Slack, and it's now official. I'm super 
excited to be able to say that I've joined Astronomer as a full time employee, 
and a good portion of my time will be still be devoted to working on the core 
Airflow project itself!

Hopefully the amount of time I was able to spend on 1.10.3 will give everyone 
an idea of how serious the folks at Astronomer are about giving back to the 
Airflow project.

Being able to work almost full time on Airflow opens me up to spend more time 
on some of the more "strategic" jobs that we all know are sorely lacking right 

- Creating a Road map for Airflow 2.0 and beyond (thank you James M for the 
- Triaging Jira issues - trying to both prune down the backlog and try to tag 
up some issues with "beginner-friendly" etc.

I will of course work with everyone in the community to build the roadmap :)

I don't want to overwhelm the list with an essay, so I'll write up more about 
what I'm planning in a blog post, and I discuss it in a bit more detail on the 
Airflow Podcast https://soundcloud.com/the-airflow-podcast out next week. 
(Also: If you want to be a guest on there and talk about Airflow get in touch!)

(Oh, though I am on vacation in May, so don't be surprised if I disappear for a 


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