Yes, but doing 1-5 would not run 5 until 1. James Coder
> On May 9, 2019, at 2:40 PM, Bas Harenslak <> > wrote: > > Perhaps needless to say, but you can do this with a cron expression, e.g. “0 > 0 * * 1-5” to schedule on weekdays only. Or “0 0 * * 2-6” to ensure you start > running from Tuesday 00:00 to Saturday 00:00 so you also process Fridays data. > > Does that help? > > Bas > > On 9 May 2019, at 18:53, James Coder > <<>> wrote: > > Hi All, > I feel like this has probably been discussed more times than necessary, but > I wanted to get the community opinion on running dags for business days. In > my case I want to run M-F but I don't want to wait for Monday to run > Fridays data. As far as I can tell the only way to do this right now is to > schedule it to run everyday and short circuit on Saturday and Sunday. > I would like to explore options other than adding an additional operator to > all dags. > I have seen it suggested to add a "schedule type" argument to dag that > would allow for running at "the right side or left side" of the interval. > Other options I can think of to solve for this would be specify add an > additional dag argument that allows you to explicitly set the interval > length rather than relying on cronitor to provide the following schedule. > The last option I can think of would be to add support for passing a > function as schedule_interval (a function that returns a time delta). > > To summarize possible changes: > 1. add "schedule_type" kwarg (start or end) > 2. add "interval_length" kwarg (time delta that is used in conjunction with > cronitor) > 3. support functions as schedule_interval. > > Thoughts? > > Thanks, > James >