+1 (non-binding)
On Tue, 11 Jun 2019 at 12:15, Ash Berlin-Taylor<a...@apache.org> wrote: Hi Airflowers, This email calls for a vote to introduce restructure the CLI to use nested commands instead of flags. The vote will last for at least 1 week (June 18th 12:00 BST), and at least three +1 (binding) votes have been cast. The original discussion <https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/94c97ed621706a2e9130a3550b879a5838c23209f2d6d40f8bb49cd8@%3Cdev.airflow.apache.org%3E> was positive and the proposed implementation is at https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/4821. Since this is a breaking change it will be for Airflow 2.0.0 only. An example of the proposed changes to the cli: - `airflow list_dags` -> `airflow dags list` - `airflow pools -l` -> `airflow pools list` - `airflow pools -a` -> `airflow pools add` - `airflow initdb` -> `airflow db init` And an example "group" help message: usage: airflow db [-h] {init,reset,upgrade} ... positional arguments: {init,reset,upgrade} init Initialize the metadata database reset Burn down and rebuild the metadata database upgrade Upgrade the metadata database to latest version optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit This is my (binding) +1 vote. A reminder about binding/non-binding votes: PMC members and Committer's votes are binding for AIP; other members of the community are encouraged to vote with a "(non-binding)". Thanks, Ash