Thanks, this is really useful to know!  I often write my own 
Operators/Sensors/Hooks and was just looking at doing the same with the 
SFTPSensor and Operator.

I've never formalized it but my current pattern is the follow:

Set self._conn to None on __init__, and have a property "self.conn" that checks 
if "self._conn" is None,
 *if None create a new connection set it to self._conn and return it
 * if not None run a check to see if the connection is still alive, if is alive 
return self._conn, otherwise create a new connection 

On  __init__ set self.conn_id to the conn_id string, and set 
"self._{conn_type}_hook" to None and have a property "self.{conn_type}_hook"
In property check if "self._{conn_type}_hook" is None and if so create a new 
Hook, if not None then return "self._{conn_type}_hook"

I would be really appreciative on any  best practices here others could share. 

-----Original Message-----
From: James Meickle [] 
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2019 11:27 AM
Subject: Outage report

We had an outage last night that was rather complex and difficult to debug.
Rather than just writing up the bug, I included what we did for various
debug steps. Hope some folks who are also cluster maintainers may find it

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