Hi all!

I noticed today that the new Airflow logo hasn't quite made it to svn repo
linked here on the Apache website <https://www.apache.org/logos/about.html>.
I went to make the change myself, but it seems like I can't as a
non-ASF-committer (or if I can, would someone be willing to walk me through

If you think you have the power to do this and I don't, here are the steps
for you :)

*1. Make a directory for the subversion repo and change to it*
mkdir apache-logos && cd apache-logos
*2. Check out the subversion repo*
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/comdev/project-logos/originals/ .
*3. Delete the old logos*
svn delete airflow.svg
svn delete airflow-pb.svg
*4. Copy the new .svg files into your directory (this may vary depending on
where you keep your logos, and you can incorporate step 5 into this if you
cp airflow/docs/img/logos/*.svg .
*5. Rename them to fit with the naming policy in this repo*
mv wordmark_1.svg airflow-1.svg
mv wordmark_2.svg airflow-2.svg
*5a. Optionally make one of them the powered by logo by naming one of the
files airflow-pb.svg instead of airflow-<somenumber>.svg*
*6. Add the files to the repo*
svn add airflow-1.svg
svn add airflow-2.svg
*7. Commit the changes*
svn commit -m "Update Airflow logo"


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