Airflow Dev,
MacOS 10.15.1/ apache-airflow 1.10.6 - retrieved the latest via pip.

Airflow starts, I can view the console in the web browser and everything.
I've got airflow.cfg configured to use Postgresql
And I've successfully loaded my own test dags into airflow.

The problem is the scheduler which throws the exception
"ERROR - Exception when executing execute_helper"
The bottom of the traceback says
AttributeError: Can't pickle local object

I dug a bit deeper into the Trace.

Looking at job/ the processor_factory function....  you can see
clearly where the exception when attempting to execute
self._execute_helper() in a try block.

self._execute_helper()  executes utils/ reap_process_group.
I am assuming it's all downhill here once the reap process is executed.

Any help here would be appreciated.
I am really looking forward to getting AirFlow up and running.

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