To banish anything stateful seems arbitrary and unnecessary.  Airflow is
more than its canonical task structure: hook / operator framework and
ecosystem, scheduling, retry, alerting, distributed computing, etc etc etc

As long as support for the canonical task is preserved, what's the harm in
supporting stateful usage where it makes sense?

Airflow may not have been designed initially to support incremental
processes.  But it is a living thing, and as it happens, it can work well
for them.

I think the two approaches can coexist harmoniously.

On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 1:33 PM Jarek Potiuk <>

> Pandora's box it is indeed :)
> @Maxime Beauchemin <>  -> maybe you could chime
> in here. I think of you still as the gatekeeper (or at least a Yoda master)
> of the very basic ideas behind Apache Airflow, and I think your insight
> here would be really valuable.
> >
> > *Scenario 1: incremental data pull*
> > If you are incrementally pulling data from a database.  Each time you
> only
> > want to pull the records that are modified.  So you want to keep track of
> > `datetime_modified` column.
> > Each run, you check the max modified date in source and store it.  This
> is
> > your "high watermark" for this run.  Next run, you pull from last high
> > watermark.
> > In a sense you can't really design this process to be idempotent: if you
> > rerun the interval ('2019-12-01T10:00:00', '2019-12-01T11:00:00') you
> might
> > not get the same data (or any data at all) because in the source, those
> records may have been updated (with new modified date).
> >
> I believe the whole idea of Airflow is to operate on fixed time intervals.
> We always have fixed intervals and if we re-run an interval processing it's
> always "all-or-nothing" for that interval. I.e. we do not store or care for
> watermark. If we decide to re-process an interval of data, we always do it
> for all the data for that interval at the source -> replacing the whole
> "interval-related" data in the output. We are never supposed to process
> incremental data. This is a very basic and fundamental assumption of
> Airflow - that it operates on fixed ("batch") intervals. If you want to
> process "streaming" data where you care for watermarks and "incremental"
> processing you should use other systems - Apache Beam might be a good
> choice for that for example.
> > *Scenario 2: incremental dim / fact / reporting processes in database*
> > Suppose I am building a fact table.  it has 10 source tables.   I need to
> > make this run incrementally.  It's possible that there may be differences
> > in update cadence in source tables.  One way to approach this is in each
> > run you calculate max modified in each source table, and take the min of
> > all of them.  That's your high watermark for this run.  Next time, you
> have
> > to process data from there.  This value needs to be stored somewhere.
> >
> Again - if you are not able to split the data into fixed intervals, and
> cannot afford re-processing of the whole interval of data rather than
> incremental processing, you should look for another solution. Airflow is
> not designed (and I think it should never do it) for streaming/incremental
> data processing. It is designed to handle fixed-time batches of data.
> Airflow is not about optimising and processing as little data as possible.
> It's all about processing fixed intervals fully so that the processing can
> be as simple as possible - at the expense of sometimes processing the same
> data again-and-again.
> *Scenario 3: dynamic date range / resuming large "initial load" processes*
> > Pulling data from APIs, often we might want it to run daily or hourly.
> > Using backfill functionality is sometimes prohibitively slow because you
> > have to carve up years of data into hourly or daily chunks.  One approach
> > is make a temporary `backfill_` job with modified schedule (e.g. monthly)
> > and let that run from beginning of time (with catchup=True).
> > Alternatively you could instead design in stateful way.  On initial run,
> > pull from beginning of time.  Thereafter, pull from last run time (and
> > maybe you need to do a lookback of 45 days or something, because data in
> > source can change).  Perhaps in your initial load you don't want to pull
> by
> > day (too slow) but you also don't want to pull in one batch -- so you
> carve
> > up batches that are appropriate to the situation.  And this is where it's
> > helpful to have a state persistence mechanism: you can use this to store
> > your progress on initial load, and in the event of failure, resume from
> > point of failure.  Yes you _could_ parse it from s3 or wherever, but
> doing
> > so presents its own challenges and risks, and it is convenient to just
> > store it in the database -- and not necessarily any more problematic.
> >
> Same here - if your data source is not providing data in fixed intervals, I
> think Apache Airflow might not be the best choice.
> >
> > *Scenario 4: no access*
> > As pointed out earlier, sometimes you might not have access to target.
> > E.g. i am pushing to someone elses s3 bucket and we only have PutObject
> but
> > can't read what's there.  So we can't look at target to infer state.
> >
> > I'm sure there are other use cases out there.  Anything "incremental"
> > implies a state.
> >
> That's the point I think that there might be a problem. Airflow is not
> designed to support incremental source of data. And trying to convert
> Airflow into such use case is probably not a good idea. Maybe it's just the
> same as trying to use an axe to hammer a nail. It will work sometimes, but
> maybe it's better to use a hammer instead.
> J.

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