TL;DR; I would like to ask the community for opinion about reducing (or even removing) the number of automated imports we have in `airflow/` for Airflow 2.0.
This issue is plaguing us for quite a while already and I think we have a perfect opportunity to solve it in AIrflow 2.0. Currently our `airflow/` file contains the code I copied below. While looking fairly innocent it causes a lot of problems - because importing anything from any airflow package automatically imports probably 90% of the airflow internal code - all models, configurations, utils, Task Instance, BaseOperator and plenty others (also we initialise all plugins where they are mostly not needed). What it really is - we have implicit dependencies in our code that are causing various side effects: - pylint detects cyclic dependencies that are super-hard and sometimes impossible to remove - mypy and pylint are very slow - mypy parallel more is slowed down by having to parse whole airflow in multiple instances, and pylint cannot be run in parallel at all as it starts behaving randomly w/regards cyclic dependency detections - we cannot really apply pylint and type annotations to most of the core classes as it will add even more cyclic dependencies - last but not least - our CLI is really, really slow because of that - right now any CLI command even `airflow version` has to pull in and initialise all the classes. Solving that slowness is impossible without removing the code The effect of this change is that most of DAGs and plugins written so far for 1.10.* will not be compatible with Airflow 2.0 - in all of the DAGs import paths will have to be changed. However as I see it - it's not a problem whatsoever. People will have to perform migration from 1.10.* -> 2.0 and we know it's not going to be seamless. We are going to write some tools for the migration and changing such import paths is super easy fix that we can automate super-easily. I'd love to hear community opinion on that. J. *Current `airflow/`:* from typing import Callable, Optional from airflow import utils from airflow import settings from airflow import version from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin from airflow.configuration import conf from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException from airflow.models.dag import DAG __version__ = version.version settings.initialize() from airflow.plugins_manager import integrate_plugins login: Optional[Callable] = None integrate_plugins() -- Jarek Potiuk Polidea <> | Principal Software Engineer M: +48 660 796 129 <+48660796129> [image: Polidea] <>