Hello everyone,

I have just started voting for the first release of Airflow 2.0 backport
packages for Airflow 1.10. I'd love if people who are interested in
particular packages test the release candidates. We've tested ''google' and
few other packages extensively (including automated system tests) but some
other packages might still have some small problems.

There are 58 (!) new packages so we need some help with testing :).

The "[VOTE]" thread is here:
- it
includes links to release notes explaining the changes introduced, and
released binaries in the Apache SVN.

It's the first time we are doing it so it might be that there might be some
teething problems - if so please let us know, and apologies if you
experience any problems.

Some more information about the backport packages is here:

The packages should allow you to install and use Operators, Hooks, Sensors,
Secrets and Protocols from the current Airflow 2.0 master development
branch and use them in Airflow 1.10.*. The idea is that you can start using
those even now in your current 1.10.* production Airflow - before we have
2.0 ready and before you migrate to 2.0. You can convert your DAGs to use
those new provider packages incrementally, no neeed to migrate in one "go".

It should be fully transparent to existing installations - the packages are
in airflow/providers python module and they shoud not interfere with the
original classes - so theorethically you should be able to use both - old
and new classes.

I created new #backport-packages channel in slack
https://apache-airflow.slack.com/archives/C0145R4NPS5 - feel free to ask
any questions and report any problems there (though in case of serious
issues, a github issue will be better).



Jarek Potiuk
Polidea <https://www.polidea.com/> | Principal Software Engineer

M: +48 660 796 129 <+48660796129>
[image: Polidea] <https://www.polidea.com/>

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