As we wrap the work on AIP-31 (functional definition), I wanted to bring another idea here for discussion.
The concept is to parametrize pipelines using a similar class than XComArg that we introduced recently. As of 1.10.10, we can use the UI to set the DagRun configuration on the trigger DAG view using a json blob. Accessing those is still hard (you need to pull DagRun from current context and then access the conf object). My proposal would be to add a new class that is resolved on execution similar to how we resolve XComArgs. class DAGParam(key:str, defaul:Any, type:type): def resolve(dag_run: DagRun): return dag_run.conf[self.key] # Raw usage: with DAG(...) as dag: param = DAGParam(key='number', default=3, type=int) SomeOperator(num=param) # From DAG object with DAG(...) as dag: SomeOperator(num=dag.param(key='number', default=3, type=int)) # Decorator approach: @dag(...) def my_dag(number:int=3): SomeOperator(num=number) Gist: This would allow us to discover this params and surface them in the Trigger DAG UI as better form similar to what we currently have at Twitter (see DagConstructors here or image attached) Just wanted to drop this here to get people thoughts! The idea is heavily inspired by Kubeflow PipelinesParams + pipeline decorator. Gerard Casas Saez Twitter | Cortex | @casassaez