Hi all, I have updated our meeting notes document to summarize the discussion from our dev call for Airflow 2.0 this Monday.
Thank you all who joined the call. *Doc Link*: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/Meeting+Notes#MeetingNotes-#10:26Oct2020 To all those who attended, can you please double-check and add if I have missed anything? To all those who didn't join, if you disagree to anything in the Summary please voice your opinion. Also please let me know if someone wants to include an item in Next call's Agenda. Including the Summary here too (might potentially break formatting): *Discussion and Key Decisions* - *Alpha2* - Released on 26 Oct along with the providers too - *Providers * - Vote in process for Backport Providers 2020.10.29 - VOTE THREAD <https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r6f2dd50aeb06ad2657037bab447498959d6a2c988c5b76aeab0ec4ec%40%3Cdev.airflow.apache.org%3E> - Pending items: - Extra link registration of Providers to core Airflow - Docs - Split documentation from Core Airflow Docs - Installation of Providers - FAQ Section - Upgrading apache-airflow and providers package - Why do Providers have separate versioning than apache-airflow core? - Why extras to install providers? And what version of providers are installed when installing providers via Extras - *KubernetesExecutor Update:* - Draft PR to allow passing pod_template_file for overriding Pod Specification: PR Link <https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/11784> - *Airflow 2.0 Updating Guide* - https://github.com/apache/airflow/blob/master/UPGRADING_TO_2.0.md contains the information required to upgrade to 2.0 from 1.10.x. This is a WIP doc and the idea is that this place should be a single place for Users to look at when they want to Upgrade to 2.0 so it should contain all the details in a digestible manner. If anyone has any suggestions on this document please create a Github issue or bring it to the mailing list. - ToDo: - Add a dedicated step to install the latest backport-providers before Upgrade. - Details around how long 1.10.x & backport providers will be supported should be added to Upgrading doc – Github Issue Link <https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/11926> - *2.0 Beta1* - We will wait until Friday to see how we are progressing i.e. if all the bugs found in alpha2 are fixed or not: https://github.com/apache/airflow/milestone/10. - If we are not done by Friday, we will move there beta1 release to next week - *Airflow 1.10.13* - Milestone: https://github.com/apache/airflow/milestone/7 - Let's triage the Milestone and start the release process for 1.10.13 *Agenda for Next Call* - Airflow 1.10.13 - 2.0 Beta if we don't release it this Friday - Separate beta - One to test all the features - One to test upgrade from 1.10.x Regards, Kaxil