Hi all, Here are the notes from our Airflow 2.0 dev call earlier today. Thank you all who joined the call.
To all those who attended, can you please double-check and add if I missed something? To those who did not join, please voice your opinion if you disagree with anything in the summary or from the notes. Also, please feel free to suggest anything to add to the agenda for next week. Here is a quick summary from the call. - *Bridge release * - Airflow 1.10.14 to be built this week and released next week. - *Upgrade Checks* - First version of upgrade-check released last week.Additional checks and enhancements being added. - *Airflow DB upgrade* - The topic of Airflow Database migration was brought up and discussed. - We agreed that it would be ideal to recommend this approach for upgrading from 1.10.14 to 2.0, but we need to add a FAQ around how long this database upgrade would take and what possible steps could be taken to reduce this time. - Vikram to add issues to capture FAQs as discussed. - *Airflow 2.0 Release Candidate*: - Overall feedback on Airflow 2.0 core is positive, but polishing and documentation cleanup still needed. - Targeting RC1 build creation to start in the middle of next week. - *Milestone Issue Cleanup* - Issues currently tagged for 2.0 RC1 should be cleaned up. - Those which are not core such as Providers or upgrade scripts, should be tagged for those milestones rather than the 2.0 core RC1 milestone. - All of us to do this cleanup this week and review any open items next Monday. Detailed notes are here. *Doc Link*: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/Meeting+Notes#MeetingNotes-#15:30Nov2020 <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/Meeting+Notes#MeetingNotes-%2315:30Nov2020> I have also updated the main 2.0 planning page to reflect the updated plan from our meeting today. *Doc Link*: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/Airflow+2.0+-+Planning Best regards, Vikram