Great work Ash,

+1 from my side on keeping this. Also liked the domain ""

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 6:10 PM Ash Berlin-Taylor <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Thanks to prompting from Sumit, I have "resurrected" a project I started
> back in 2019, and have got searchable slack archives available:
> (This is a fancy looking URL, there is nothing else on the domain yet. Any
> other projects want this too?)
> A little known fact of Slack is that the export an admin can do contains
> *all* messages, not just the ones the client will show, so this has all
> 130k+ messages in the DB. For example
> for
> example shows the very first message from Fokko
> This service also has a bot user, called Archie the Archive Bot, that if
> invited to channels will listen for messages (and deletions/edits etc). To
> get this bot in the channel we need to run /invite @archie -- I'm not
> sure if only workspace admins can do this or if anyone can.
> Features that are missing/broken/confusing right now:
> - Thread replies aren't handled visually correctly -- rather than being
> nested under the original message they are just shown like a normal message.
> - No ability to permalink to a specific message
> - Markdown formatting in messages might be incomplete
> - Shared files/images may or may not be accessible. I haven't really
> tested it.
> - It needs a privacy policy/data protection statement
> - Since it's using VueJS (the project I forked this froms choice, not
> mine) it's probably not indexable by search engines.
> - The front end is only showing 10k messages per channel (
> -- given it's
> paged already there's no need for this limitation to exist.
> - Links to users don't go anywhere sensible.
> I'm sure there are many more small gotchas, but I didn't want perfect to
> be the enemy of the good.
> The code for this service lives at -
> PRs welcome ;) Most of the readme is still wrong there.
> If anyone isn't happy with this I can delete it, or set certain channels
> to not be archived etc.
> -ash

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