Apache Airflow newsletter for anyone too busy to read the devlist.

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*Apache Airflow **Newsletter*

*What's new in the project?*

* โ™ฅ๏ธ August & September 2021 โ™ฅ๏ธ*


   Airflow Applies for Outreachy Internships mentoring/sponsoring for next
   round of underrepresented people in IT ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป
   2. [RELEASES]

      Apache Airflow 2.1.4

      Apache Airflow Helm Chart 1.2.0

      Apache Airflow Providers July/August

*๐Ÿ•๐Ÿป Apache Airflow events ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿป*



   Allyship workshop for open source communities

   Workshops for new contributors:

      Pycon Taiwan

      Mexico Open-Source Contributors Summit

   Contributor Experience Matters talk at ApacheCon at Home


   - [Apache Airflow Community Meetup]* -> TOMORROW Oct 7th*
      - On Thursday October 7th join the Community meetup with Eli Scheele
      and learn about bioinformatics, workflows and data from next generation
      sequencing technologies. (This talk was scheduled for Airflow Summit, but
      Eli couldn't make it)* Add this event to your calendar: *
      *https://bit.ly/2YmqYtO* <https://bit.ly/2YmqYtO>

   - [Workshop for new contributors]
      - Pycon Poland (early December 2021)

*๐Ÿ‘ New committers/PMC members ๐Ÿ‘*

Brent Bovenzi <https://github.com/bbovenzi>

Ephraim Anierobi <https://github.com/ephraimbuddy>

Elad Kalif <https://github.com/eladkal>

*๐Ÿฅ‡PRs of the month๐Ÿฅ‡*


   *Support for Docker Compose 2 for development (lots of bugs to
   workaround)* <https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/18725>

   *Convert issue templates into forms*

*Things good to know...*


   Implemented Basic EKS Integration #16571

   Influx DB provider released

๐Ÿ“„ *Documentation improvements *๐Ÿ“„

   - Fine-tuning your scheduler performance
   - Refactored Installation documentation including โ€œInstalling from
   - Airflow
   , Providers
   , Helm
   by the ASF Policy)
   - Summary/Index of Core Extensions in Providers
   - Auth, Connections, Extra-Links, Writing Logs, Secret backends
   - Best practices update
      - Top-Level Python Code, Dynamic DAG generation, Reducing DAG

๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป *Ongoing work *๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป

   1. We are very close to release 2.2 with a number of improvements COMING
      1. AIP-39 Custom Timetables
      2. AIP-40 Deferrable Tasks
      3. @task.decorator
      4. And a lot of small (but improving Quality of Life) features:
         1. Validation of DAG params
         2. Test connections from UI
         3. Duplicate connections
         4. Next dag run time in DAG timeline
         5. Airflow standalone - run locally (!)
      2. MSSQL support

*๐Ÿ“š Airflow's Digest๐Ÿ“š*

Interesting blog posts, articles, podcasts and other materials about Apache


   *How to track metadata using Airflow Cluster Policies and Task Callbacks*
   by Databand

   *Complex tasks orchestration at Hurb with Apache Airflow*
   by Hurb

*๐Ÿ‘“  Newsletter contributors WANTED ๐Ÿ‘“*

Are you interested in contributing to the Apache Airflow newsletter?

Feel free to jump in on our Slack channel

P.S. If you want to see pictures of your cat in the newsletter, let me know.

Next newsletter deadline  โ‡จ December 1st

Prepared by mschickensoup <https://github.com/mschickensoup>

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