Well done folks, this is exciting and will solve lot of the current issues
with "Dynamic DAGs" (especially ones that need fan-out)

On Fri, Nov 5, 2021 at 5:02 PM Daniel Imberman <daniel.imber...@gmail.com>

> Hello everyone!
> I'd like to start a discussion about a new feature that we've been
> thinking about for a while, and that Ash mentioned in his Airflow Summit
> keynote:
> Dynamic Task Mapping -- having the number of tasks vary at run time based
> on the result of a previous step
> The tl;dr of this is that it adds a form of "dynamism" to Airflow DAGs
> that wasn't previously possible, and opens up a lot of exciting new
> workfloas for DAGs.
> A short example to whet your appetites:
> @task
> def my_task(x,y):
>     return x + y
> @task
> def sum_values(x: Iterable[int]) -> int:
>     return sum(x)
> add_values = [1,2,3]
> added_values = my_task.partial(x=5).map(y=add_values)
> result = sum_values(added_values)
> Now  this example is trivial and doesn't need multiple tasks, but it
> shows the power of what we can do. At run time this would result in 4 task
> instances being run, and the end result is 21.
> A more useful example would be to use an S3PrefixSensor, then operate on
> each file in a separate task:
> with dag:
>     sensor = S3PrefixSensor(
>         bucket_name='test-airflow-bucket',
>         prefix='vendor_a/incoming/{{ data_interval_start }}/',
>     )
>     @task
>     def process_file(key: str):
>         return len(S3Hook().read_key(key).splitlines())
>     processed = process_file.map(key=sensor.output)
>     @task
>     def sum_values(x: Iterable[int]) -> int:
>         return sum(x)
>     result = sum_values(processed)
> This API change is (hopefully) deceptively simple, but implementing it is
> not straight forward -- we've tried to go into lots of detail in the AIP
> document:
> AIP-42: Dynamic Task Mapping - Airflow - Apache Software Foundation
> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/AIP-42%3A+Dynamic+Task+Mapping>
> We look forward to discussing this further as this is a feature we’re all
> really excited about :).
> Happy Friday!
> Ash Berlin-Taylor, TP Chung, and Daniel Imberman

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