I think we are at this point because AIP-21 handles more file paths rather
than class names.
Case 6 in AIP-21 says to make individual decisions and it says "consistency
trumps compatibility."
I'm in favor of: Gcs over GCS, Emr over EMR, Sql over SQL.

To mention we also have operators like SqlToS3Operator and I think it's
much easier to read then SQLToS3Operator.

On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 9:44 PM Tomasz Urbaszek <turbas...@apache.org> wrote:

> +1 for BranchSqlOperator, easier to read imho
> On Fri, 4 Feb 2022 at 20:39, Howard Yoo <howard...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Just my two cents : Have preference for not capitalizing all the
>> characters in abbrevications, so
>> BranchSqlOperator is totally fine with me. It's also easier to type (less
>> pressing on Caps key!), and also Might be easier to read and check.
>> +1 on that.
>> - Howard
>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 1:20 PM Ferruzzi, Dennis
>> <ferru...@amazon.com.invalid> wrote:
>>> In December Elad organized a community project (
>>> https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/20139) which included
>>> un-PEP-8-ing the Amazon provider package, the all-caps acronyms you see
>>> there are/should all be deprecated.
>>> That said, I do find it easier to read as `BranchSqlOperator`, so
>>> that format would be my vote if I had one.
>>> *From:* Jarek Potiuk <ja...@potiuk.com>
>>> *Sent:* Friday, February 4, 2022 7:16 AM
>>> *To:* dev@airflow.apache.org
>>> *Cc:* Felix Uellendall
>>> *Subject:* RE: [EXTERNAL] [DISCUSS] how to name classes with
>>> abbreviations?
>>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
>>> not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and
>>> know the content is safe.
>>> Surprisingly, as opinionated as I often am, I am happy to follow
>>> whatever rules others agree with here :).
>>> Even if we agree that "either is ok" and we mix them and keep them
>>> inconsistent and even if someone we do this and sometimes that. I simply do
>>> not see huge value in standardizing this.
>>> Why?
>>> Following the "human language" that you mentioned, Bas (as I see it at
>>> least), the right answer is "it depends".
>>> IMHO in human language the capitalization rules for acronyms vary and
>>> are full of exceptions and depend on context. Some acronyms are better
>>> CAPITALIZED but for some it's perfectly ok to be CapWorded and which
>>> one is better "felt" depends on who you are, what background and experience
>>> you have, and whether English is your native language.
>>> For example, for me TCP is clearly very bad when CapWorded as 'Tcp' ,
>>> but Http is far more pleasant than HTTP. And (just to anticipate arguments)
>>> it's not only about the length, it's also about some past experiences and
>>> how many of each I've been intimately familiar with (i.e. how many
>>> documents and code I read and written on each mostly).
>>> So just to protect my sanity I developed a blind spot and for me either
>>> is OK and even if we have no consistency, I simply don't care :). That also
>>> saves a lot of mental effort to discuss and think about it, to be perfectly
>>> honest.
>>> So I will follow whatever rule others feel strong about.
>>> J.
>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 11:07 AM Bas Harenslak <b...@astronomer.io.invalid>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for opening this discussion, hopefully we can improve
>>>> consistency, regardless the outcome.
>>>> +1 for capitalizing abbreviations. IMO since abbreviations are written
>>>> capitalised in human language, using the same convention in code gives
>>>> clarity.
>>>> Bas
>>>> On 4 Feb 2022, at 07:26, Felix Uellendall <felue...@pm.me.INVALID>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Sorry in this case I would be NOT in favor of pep8. I misread it.
>>>> -feluelle
>>>> Sent from ProtonMail for iOS
>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 07:22, Felix Uellendall <felue...@pm.me.INVALID>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I am in favor of pep8 guidelines. I think it makes sense to clearly see
>>>> separation between words/tokens. For me uppercase is harder to read and I
>>>> don’t like getting screamed at. As long as there is documentation, this can
>>>> be written there correctly as you can split it like normal words (by
>>>> spaces).
>>>> -feluelle
>>>> Sent from ProtonMail for iOS
>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 01:46, Daniel Standish <
>>>> daniel.stand...@astronomer.io.INVALID> wrote:
>>>> How should we name, for example, an operator such as
>>>> `BranchSQLOperator`?
>>>> This operator used to be called `BranchSqlOperator` but at some point
>>>> in the past was renamed.
>>>> Meanwhile we have SparkSqlOperator which uses the other convention.
>>>> And we have `EmrBaseSensor`, and `EMRContainerOperator` coexisting.
>>>> On this SO post
>>>> <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2853531/how-do-you-pep-8-name-a-class-whose-name-is-an-acronym>
>>>> you can find argument on both sides of the debate.
>>>> On one side you have a quote from PEP-8:
>>>> Note: When using abbreviations in CapWords, capitalize all the letters
>>>>> of the abbreviation. Thus HTTPServerError is better than
>>>>> HttpServerError.
>>>> On the other side you have an example like this:
>>>> class NASAJPL:
>>>> vs
>>>>> class NasaJPL
>>>> vs
>>>>> class NasaJpl
>>>> By one argument, option 3 is most readable because the "tokens" are
>>>> clearly separated (i.e. nasa and JPL) -- and certainly in some IDEs this
>>>> can be a great benefit.
>>>> And perhaps the argument for option 2 is you say "nasa" and "J-P-L" not
>>>> "nasa" and "jipple" -- in contrast with SQL where reasonable people say
>>>> "sequel" and not "ess queue ell".
>>>> This comes up pretty regularly, and I think we ought to make a decision
>>>> and do some pre-commit work to enforce (with an exception list a la
>>>> spelling-wordlist.txt) the decision.
>>>> So, please consider debate kicked off, and have at it.
>>>> Thanks

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