Awesome to hear this!

I was really battling this issue last week, very excited for these 
improvements, let me know if I can help.


From: Jarek Potiuk <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 5:54:07 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [PROPOSAL] Dealing with public runner test failues 
(Integration tests restructuring)

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Hey everyone,

I think many contributors (non-committers) started to suffer from
often failing (disappearing) test runs (mostly for sqlite).

Together with @Taragolis, we looked at those recent stability issues
with "public runners". They all boil down to the integration tests
taking too much memory.

Example screenshot from a debug run that I run when trying to "catch
the problem in the act" with debugging enabled is attached. Seems that
just before such failure we had just 55 M (out of 7G available in the
public runners) - just before the runner "disappeared". Looks like the
writing is on the wall.

There are two ways we will be addressing it shortly (unless someone
objects or have more/ other ideas to improve it):

1. Improving the ways how integration tests are structured and running

* We will reorganize our integration tests to be (similar to system
tests) in a separate subfolder of the "tests' ' - this will allow for
easier discovery and a better structured approach to all integration

* We will STOP running integration tests in regular test jobs of ours.
Instead we will introduce a separate "Integration Test" job that will
run only integration tests and that will run the integrations
``one-by-one" - i.e. we will not be starting kerberos, mongo, redis
all together, but will only start minimal set of integrations needed
for the tests that are using them

2. Arranging for bigger public runners

I am discussing - in the Apache Infrastructure meetings - (next
meeting is on Wednesday) using more powerful Public runners. This is
possible, and we just need to make sure INFRA/Apache is not overusing
the free runners the Apache Software Foundation gets as a generous
sponsorship from GitHub. This might actually vastly decrease the
feedback time you get as non-committers as we can get up to 4x times
faster builds this way.


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