Clearly #27758

On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 11:17 PM John Thomas
<> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> It's that time again! Vote for a PR that you think deserves it this month
> - our candidates from the script are as follows:
> * [27758] "Enable trigger logging in webserver
> <>" by @dstandish
> * [29058] "Add command to export purged records to CSV files
> <>" by @ephraimbuddy
> * [28953] "Updated Telegram Provider to ensure compatbility with >=20.0.0
> <>" by @maxnathaniel
> * [29038] "Add HttpHookAsync for deferrable implementation
> <>" by @sunank200
> * [28942] "Fix @task.kubernetes to receive input and send output
> <>" by @vchiapaikeo
> Vote will close at 9a MST on February 28th
> Regards,
> John

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