Hey everyone.

We are just about to add more collaborators to the apache-airflow

If you would like to be added to the collaborator's group - please ping me
directly or here and let me  know your github username. I cannot promise we
will take everyone, but if you have a proven track of helping/answering and
generally being an active member of the community - we are happy to add
more people.

Collaborators are those of our community members who can help us manage the
issues, triage them, and help our users. They have a little more privileges
than regular contributors while still not having the full committer status
- they cannot merge and binding-approve PRs, but they can label issues,
close them, convert into discussions, assign people and generally be
helpful in making our issues/prs/discussions better organized.

We even have a helpful
https://github.com/apache/airflow/blob/main/ISSUE_TRIAGE_PROCESS.rst to
guide members of the collaborator teams on how they can help.

Being an active collaborator is also helpful on your path to become a
committer (just saying).


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