Hello everyone,

Following the discussion about adding five new providers, I am calling for
an official vote on adding providers for Pinecone, OpenAI & Cohere to the
Airflow repo.

Discussion thread:

Draft PRs:

   - https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/35094 (Pinecone)
   - https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/35023 (OpenAI)
   - https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/34921 (Cohere)

This is my binding +1 vote.

The vote will last until 10:30 GMT/UTC on 1st November,
and until at least 3 binding votes have been cast.

Please vote accordingly:

[ ] + 1 approve
[ ] + 0 no opinion
[ ] - 1 disapprove with the reason

Only votes from PMC members and committers are binding, but other members
of the community are encouraged to check the AIP and vote with


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