Hey All, Thank you again for your feedback on the Airflow Survey. We were able to make some major improvements thanks to the time many of you took to review it.
Now, the survey is live! Please take a minute to fill it out here: <https://forms.gle/8ug9BtHobHvyQzg9A> We are really pushing to receive as many responses as possible to increase the legitimacy of the data collected, and the entire community benefits from having access to the results. So, filling it out yourself and/or sharing on your own would be much appreciated. Looking forward to reviewing the results with you all! -- Briana Okyere Community Manager Email: briana.oky...@astronomer.io <john....@astronomer.io>Mobile: +1 415.713.9943 Time zone: US Pacific UTC <https://www.astronomer.io/>