Hello dev list,

The excellent website landing pages have been instrumental in the wide adoption 
of Airflow. The fact that they’ve helped so many users get started with Airflow 
while going without significant upgrades for years speaks to how well-designed 
they are. At the same time, it’s a massive understatement to say that the 
community has changed since the landing pages were launched, and some of them 
could use updating to represent the community as it is today and meet users’ 
and contributors’ current needs.

For example, since the website was launched 3 years ago, Slack has become the 
community’s platform of choice. There are over 35k users and contributors there.

As Jarek has noted <https://github.com/apache/airflow-site/pull/911>, Slack is 
ephemeral and user-first (but it seems safe to assume that most project 
contributors are on there, too). Also, as is appropriate for an ASF project, 
the dev list continues to play a crucial role in hosting discussions and 
relaying announcements, etc. It’s still the primary vehicle/forum for 
asynchronous communication among contributors.

But it seems safe to say that Slack is the primary forum for new users of 
Airflow. Currently, the Community page <https://airflow.apache.org/community/> 
prioritizes the dev list and hides the Slack link down the page in the “Ask a 
Question” section by default. But it seems reasonable to assume that what most 
(not to say all) first visitors to the site are looking for on that page is a 
link to Slack.

IMO, in light of the important communications and discussions on the dev list, 
we shouldn’t minimize it, but we should also make onboarding as frictionless as 
possible for users and devs alike. So what to do?

I’ve opened a PR <https://github.com/apache/airflow-site/pull/911> to 
reorganize the page, and I’m hoping to start a discussion here about how to 
proceed. Thanks, Jarek, for your comment and for suggesting we move the 
discussion to the list.

Some ideas (see the PR for more details):

Put Slack at the top of the page with the dev list just below it
Use columns to devote half the page to contributor-centric resources and half 
to user-centric resources

What do you think?

Thank you,

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