A regular question if there are people who are interested in joining the
"collaboators" team for our triage team (or would like to be removed) ?

We regularly review/cleanup the "collaborators" team of ours
https://github.com/apache/airflow/blob/main/.asf.yaml#L78 .

Being collaborator gives a bit more capabilities for our issues (labelling,
closing, converting to discussion etc.) - described in

The team has to be small (<10 people) and If you are interested to join the
team - let us know - privately to me or in #issue-triage channel on Slack.

I already have a few people interested but asking here in case others also
are interested, we have Utkarsh to free it after becoming committer and
maybe someone would like to be removed from the team to free the place for
others - this is not a "lifetime" job :D

We usually add people there who are already actively reviewing and
commenting other's code, so if you have not done it before, starting with
doing it (and then even actively asking to join the tem in the slack
channel) is a better idea than joining straight away.


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