Hey All, I'm breaking this out into another conversation because I think it warrants its own decision before we move forward.
Last week, I proposed we add a code of conduct for Airflow Slack and in-person meetups. Thread: <https://lists.apache.org/thread/jy16tb09qoc7lxb03pdj3dfnmrsmjq87> In the Code of Conduct I shared, there is a conversation taking place about HOW to report someone in Slack if their message does not abide by the code of conduct. There is a general consensus that a committee should be formed that people can report code of conduct violations to. Two options were proposed about the reporting process: 1. Create a google form that people can fill out anonymously to report code of conduct violations 2. Create a channel in slack called #slack-admins where people can post and report a violation. I would like to know which option you all vote for. I vote for option #2. With the addition that we should have a #slack-admins channel that links to the google form for anonymous reporting, but also serves as a space where people can post questions about the code of conduct and receive clarity and answers. But I strongly feel there should be an option to anonymously report, which I think a form would solve. Curious what others think, or if you have additional ideas! --- Briana Okyere Community Manager Astronomer