Hello here,

One of our users (thanks @stepheatgiithub) notified us about an issue we
introduced in smtp provider in december - and released in 1.6.0 version of
provider (SMTP notifications were broken).

Unfortunately SMTP 1.6.0 has been released as part of the 2.8.1 and 2.8.2
images (and constraints).

We have discussed it quickly in the #release-management channel in Slack
with Elad and Andrey and we will fix constraints for both 2.8.1 and 2.8.1
and downgrade smtp provider to 1.5.0 there (no need to re-release software
- just fixing constraints and rebuilding image should be fine.

We will also re-release SMTP provider and add back the 1.6.0 feature
"properly" without breaking it with released versions of Airflow.

We will also update release notes for the smtp provider and likely (to be
decided) yank the 1.6.0 provider after we release the new provider. We will
also update Image release notes notifying about this change in the image.

Any questions - please let us know.


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