This is not too much different than what we already do.
We deprecate then we remove. We almost never create breaking change without
deprecating first.

I'd like to raise a few notes:

1. Major releases can happen frequently. I see no problem with it. This is
more a question of what are the changes. If google has 3 major releases one
with breaking change to ads, another to leveldb and 3rd to cloud these are
not related one to another and unlikely that there is 1 user that uses all
of these together. We create major releases when needed and we keep a close
eye and challenge why a change must be a breaking change. If possible we
will always prefer to be backward compatible.
2. Time based deprecations are not a good approach. Some changes require
much more time to be acted upon and others may be trivial.
As a rule we almost never cut a breaking change release just to remove
3. Setting a policy per provider is not the right way to go. We have a
shared governance model for provider handling and I as release manager will
do what I can to accommodate requests from companies who participate in
managing the provider. Which means that if Google wants to remove
deprecations and ask for a breaking change release most likely we will
accommodate their request. My point of view is that the company knows what
is best for their own users. I don't think that what is right for Google
must bind AWS or Microsoft. 1 policy goes against the shared
governance idea.

On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 11:04 AM Eugen Kosteev <> wrote:

> Hi.
> I would like to discuss/propose a deprecation policy for
> apache-airflow-providers-google package, mostly for deprecating Airflow
> operators (but not limited to it).
> *Some background:*
> Airflow google provider package (as most of other provider packages in
> Airflow) has a tendency to constantly evolve.
> There are cases when its features or operators/hooks have to be deprecated.
> The typical example of such a case is “refactoring” which leads to the
> renaming of operators, parameters or public methods. Such refactorings
> maybe consequence of:
> - using a new dependent library (that causes some methods to be deprecated)
> - using a new version of API (that causes some parameters to be deprecated)
> - restructuring/migration of the operators (that causes some operators to
> be deprecated)
> Given the need of a “deprecation” procedure, it looks essential to
> establish policy around it to have users of Airflow google provider package
> clearly understand when and how to adapt their DAGs.
> *Preambula (versioning of the package):*
> As mentioned in “Airflow’s release process and version policy” (
> )
> google provider package (and others) should follow SemVer, meaning that any
> breaking changes should be released together with bumping major version of
> the package.
> The change is considered to be a breaking (in the context of google
> providers package) if a DAG that was working before, stops to work after
> the change.
> *My proposal (for discussion):*
> The entire procedure of deprecating (either method, parameter or operator)
> consists of two steps:
> - Emission of the deprecation warning message
> Example of the message:
> “””
> The “given” parameter is deprecated and will be removed after
> Please use “this” parameter instead.
> “””
> - Once the date of the deprecated method/parameter/operator is passed, it
> can be removed (together with bumping major version of the package)
> The format of the warning message may vary, but it has to contain:
> - What should be used instead
> - The date after which the method/parameter/operator will be removed
> *Additional considerations:*
> - Bumping a major version of the Airflow google provider package shouldn’t
> happen very frequently (presumably not more frequently than 6 months),
> therefore when it happens it may accumulate removals of something that was
> communicated to be removed even a couple of months ago. (related discussion
> Example: if today is 2025-12-20 and we are releasing new major version of
> the package, we can/should remove all deprecated
> methods/parameters/operators which have date prior to 2025-12-20 - it can
> be November 2025, October 2025 or even earlier, since previous bump of
> major version happened e.g. in summer of 2025.
> - By default all deprecations should allow a 6 months time period until
> they will be removed and not available. This period will give Airflow users
> enough time and flexibility to update their DAGs before actual removal
> happens.
> On a case by case basis this period can be adjusted given specific
> circumstances (e.g. in case deprecation is because of underlying API sunset
> which can happen earlier than in 6 months).
> Apart from deprecation warning messages that will be printed as logs, this
> information will be put as well in:
> - Airflow documentation
> - Release notes of Airflow google provider package
> Please, let me know what you think about this.
> --
> Eugene

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