Hey fellow Airflowers,

We have cut Airflow 2.9.0b1 now that all the main features have been

Note: apache-airflow-providers-fab==1.0.2b0 must be installed alongside
this snapshot for Airflow to work.

This "snapshot" is intended for members of the Airflow developer community
to test the build
and allow early testing of 2.9.0. Please test this beta and create GitHub
issues wherever possible if you encounter bugs, (use 2.9.0b1 in the version
dropdown filter when creating the issue).

For clarity, this is not an official release of Apache Airflow either -
that doesn't happen until we make a release candidate and then vote on that.

Airflow 2.9.0b1 is available at:

*apache-airflow-2.9.0-source.tar.gz* is a source release that comes with
INSTALL instructions.
*apache-airflow-2.9.0.tar.gz* is the binary Python "sdist" release.
*apache_airflow-2.9.0-py3-none-any.whl* is the binary Python wheel "binary"

This snapshot has been pushed to PyPI too at
and can be installed by running the following command:

pip install 'apache-airflow==2.9.0b1'

*Constraints files* are available at

Release Notes:

*Changes since 2.8.4rc1:*

*Significant Changes*

*Following Listener API methods are considered stable and can be used for
production system (were experimental feature in older Airflow versions)
Lifecycle events:

- ``on_starting``
- ``before_stopping``

DagRun State Change Events:

- ``on_dag_run_running``
- ``on_dag_run_success``
- ``on_dag_run_failed``

TaskInstance State Change Events:

- ``on_task_instance_running``
- ``on_task_instance_success``
- ``on_task_instance_failed``

*Support for Microsoft SQL-Server for Airflow Meta Database has been
removed (#36514)*

After discussion
<https://lists.apache.org/thread/r06j306hldg03g2my1pd4nyjxg78b3h4> and a voting
process <https://lists.apache.org/thread/pgcgmhf6560k8jbsmz8nlyoxosvltph2>,
the Airflow's PMC and Committers have reached a resolution to no longer
maintain MsSQL as a supported Database Backend.

As of Airflow 2.9.0 support of MsSQL has been removed for Airflow Database

A migration script which can help migrating the database *before* upgrading
to Airflow 2.9.0 is available in airflow-mssql-migration repo on Github

Note that the migration script is provided without support and warranty.

This does not affect the existing provider packages (operators and hooks),
DAGs can still access and process data from MsSQL.

*Dataset URIs are now validated on input (#37005)*

Datasets must use a URI that conform to rules laid down in AIP-60, and the
will be automatically normalized when the DAG file is parsed. See
`documentation on Datasets <
a more detailed description on the rules.

You may need to change your Dataset identifiers if they look like a URI,
but are
used in a less mainstream way, such as relying on the URI's auth section, or
have a case-sensitive protocol name.

*The method ``get_permitted_menu_items`` in ``BaseAuthManager`` has been
renamed ``filter_permitted_menu_items`` (#37627)*

*Add REST API actions to Audit Log events (#37734)*

The Audit Log ``event`` name for REST API events will be prepended with
``api.`` or ``ui.``, depending on if it came from the Airflow UI or

*Airflow 2.9.0 is the first release that officially supports Python 3.12
There are a few caveats though:

* Pendulum2 does not support Python 3.12. For Python 3.12 you need to use
  `Pendulum 3 <

* Minimum SQLAlchemy version supported when Pandas is installed for Python
3.12 is ``1.4.36`` released in
  April 2022. Airflow 2.9.0 increases the minimum supported version of
SQLAlchemy to ``1.4.36`` for all
  Python versions.

Not all Providers support Python 3.12. At the initial release of Airflow
2.9.0 the following providers
are released without support for Python 3.12:

  * ``apache.beam`` - pending on `Apache Beam support for 3.12 <
  * ``papermill`` - pending on Releasing Python 3.12 compatible papermill
client version
    `including this merged issue <

*New Features*
- Add ``Matomo`` as an option for analytics_tool. (#38221)
- Experimental: Support custom weight_rule implementation to calculate the
TI priority_weight (#38222)
- Adding ability to automatically set DAG to off after X times it failed
sequentially (#36935)
- Add dataset conditions to next run datasets modal (#38123)
- Add task log grouping to UI (#38021)
- Add dataset_expression to grid dag details (#38121)
- Introduce mechanism to support multiple executor configuration (#37635)
- Add color formatting for ANSI chars in logs from task executions (#37985)
- Add the dataset_expression as part of DagModel and DAGDetailSchema
- Add TaskFail entries to Gantt chart (#37918)
- Allow longer rendered_map_index (#37798)
- Inherit the run_ordering from DatasetTriggeredTimetable for
DatasetOrTimeSchedule (#37775)
- Implement AIP-60 Dataset URI formats (#37005)
- Introducing Logical Operators for dataset conditional logic (#37101)
- Add post endpoint for dataset events (#37570)
- Show custom instance names for a mapped task in UI (#36797)
- Add excluded/included events to get_event_logs api (#37641)
- Add datasets to dag graph (#37604)
- Show dataset events above task/run details in grid view (#37603)
- Introduce new config variable to control whether DAG processor outputs to
stdout (#37439)
- Make Datasets ``hashable`` (#37465)
- Add conditional logic for dataset triggering (#37016)
- Implement task duration page in react. (#35863)
- Add ``queuedEvent`` endpoint to get/delete DatasetDagRunQueue (#37176)
- Support multiple XCom output in the BaseOperator (#37297)
- AIP-58: Add object storage backend for xcom (#37058)
- Introduce ``DatasetOrTimeSchedule`` (#36710)
- Add ``on_skipped_callback`` in to ``BaseOperator`` (#36374)
- Allow override of hovered navbar colors (#36631)
- Create new Metrics with Tagging (#36528)
- Add support for openlineage to AFS and common.io (#36410)
- Introduce ``@task.bash`` TaskFlow decorator (#30176, #37875)
- Added functionality to automatically ingest custom airflow.cfg file upon
startup (#36289)

- Implement methods on TaskInstancePydantic and DagRunPydantic (#38295,
#38302, #38303)
- Made filters bar collapsible and add a full screen toggle (#38296)
- Encrypt all trigger attributes (#38233)
- Upgrade react-table package. Use with Audit Log table (#38092)
- Show if dag page filters are active (#38080)
- Add try number to mapped instance (#38097)
- Add retries to job heartbeat (#37541)
- Add REST API events to Audit Log (#37734)
- Make current working directory as templated field in BashOperator (#37968)
- Add calendar view to react (#37909)
- Add ``run_id`` column to log table (#37731)
- Add ``tryNumber`` to grid task instance tooltip (#37911)
- Session is not used in _do_render_template_fields (#37856)
- Improve MappedOperator property types (#37870)
- Remove provide_session decorator from TaskInstancePydantic methods
- Ensure the "airflow.task" logger used for TaskInstancePydantic and
TaskInstance (#37857)
- Better error message for internal api call error (#37852)
- Increase tooltip size of dag grid view (#37782) (#37805)
- Use named loggers instead of root logger (#37801)
- Add Run Duration in React (#37735)
- Avoid non-recommended usage of logging (#37792)
- Improve DateTimeTrigger typing (#37694)
- Make sure all unique run_ids render a task duration bar (#37717)
- Add Dag Audit Log to React (#37682)
- Add log event for auto pause (#38243)
- Better message for exception for templated base operator fields (#37668)
- Clean up webserver endpoints adding to audit log (#37580)
- Filter datasets graph by dag_id (#37464)
- Use new exception type inheriting BaseException for SIGTERMs (#37613)
- Refactor dataset class inheritance (#37590)
- Simplify checks for package versions (#37585)
- Filter Datasets by associated dag_ids (GET /datasets) (#37512)
- Enable "airflow tasks test" to run deferrable operator (#37542)
- Make datasets list/graph width adjustable (#37425)
- Speedup determine installed airflow version in ``ExternalPythonOperator``
- Add more task details from rest api (#37394)
- Add confirmation dialog box for DAG run actions (#35393)
- Added shutdown color to the STATE_COLORS (#37295)
- Remove legacy dag details page and redirect to grid (#37232)
- Order XCom entries by map index in API (#37086)
- Add data_interval_start and data_interval_end in dagrun create API
endpoint (#36630)
- Making links in task logs as hyperlinks by preventing HTML injection
- Improve ExternalTaskSensor Async Implementation (#36916)
- Make Datasets ``Pathlike`` (#36947)
- Simplify query for orphaned tasks (#36566)
- Add deferrable param in FileSensor (#36840)
- Run Trigger Page: Configurable number of recent configs (#36878)
- Merge ``nowait`` and skip_locked into with_row_locks (#36889)
- Return the specified field when get ``dag/dagRun`` in the REST API
- Only iterate over the items if debug is enabled for
DagFileProcessorManager (#36761)
- Add a fuzzy/regex pattern-matching for metric allow and block list
- Allow custom columns in cli dags list (#35250)
- Make it possible to change the default cron timetable (#34851)
- Some improvements to Airflow IO code (#36259)
- Improve TaskInstance typing hints (#36487)
- Remove dependency of ``Connexion`` from auth manager interface (#36209)
- Refactor ExternalDagLink to not create ad hoc TaskInstances (#36135)

*Bug Fixes*
- Make the method ``BaseAuthManager.is_authorized_custom_view`` abstract
- Add upper limit to planned calendar events calculation (#38310)
- Fix Scheduler in daemon mode doesn't create PID at the specified location
- Properly serialize TaskInstancePydantic and DagRunPydantic (#37855)
- Fix graph task state border color (#38084)
- Add back methods removed in security manager (#37997)
- Don't log "403" from worker serve-logs as "Unknown error". (#37933)
- Fix execution data validation error in ``/get_logs_with_metadata``
endpoint (#37756)
- Fix task duration selection (#37630)
- Refrain from passing ``encoding`` to the SQL engine in SQLAlchemy v2
- Fix 'implicitly coercing SELECT object to scalar subquery' in latest dag
run statement (#37505)
- Clean up typing with max_execution_date query builder (#36958)
- Optimize max_execution_date query in single dag case (#33242)
- Fix list dags command for get_dagmodel is None (#36739)
- Load ``consuming_dags`` attr eagerly before dataset listener (#36247)

- Bump minimum version of ``blinker`` add where it requires (#38140)
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 in /airflow/www (#38156)
- Bump Cryptography to > 39.0.0 (#38112)
- Add Python 3.12 support (#36755, #38025, #36595)
- Avoid use of ``assert`` outside of the tests (#37718)
- Update ObjectStoragePath for universal_pathlib>=v0.2.2 (#37930)
- Resolve G004: Logging statement uses f-string (#37873)
- Update build and install dependencies. (#37910)
- Bump sanitize-html from 2.11.0 to 2.12.1 in /airflow/www (#37833)
- Update to latest installer versions. (#37754)
- Deprecate smtp configs in airflow settings / local_settings (#37711)
- Deprecate PY* constants into the airflow module (#37575)
- Remove usage of deprecated ``flask._request_ctx_stack`` (#37522)
- Remove redundant ``login`` attribute in ``airflow.__init__.py`` (#37565)
- Upgrade to FAB 4.3.11 (#37233)
- Remove SCHEDULED_DEPS which is no longer used anywhere since 2.0.0
- Replace ``datetime.datetime.utcnow`` by ``airflow.utils.timezone.utcnow``
in core (#35448)
- Bump aiohttp min version to avoid CVE-2024-23829 and CVE-2024-23334
- Move config related to FAB auth manager to FAB provider (#36232)
- Remove MSSQL support form Airflow core (#36514)
- Remove ``is_authorized_cluster_activity`` from auth manager (#36175)
- Create FAB provider and move FAB auth manager in it (#35926)

*Doc Only Changes*
- Refactor DatasetOrTimeSchedule timetable docs (#37771)
- Migrate executor docs to respective providers (#37728)
- Add directive to render a list of URI schemes (#37700)
- Add doc page with providers deprecations (#37075)
- Add a cross reference to security policy (#37004)
- Improve AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__BASE_URL docs (#37003)
- Update faq.rst with (hopefully) clearer description of start_date (#36846)
- Update public interface doc re operators (#36767)
- Add ``exception`` to templates ref list (#36656)
- Add auth manager interface as public interface (#36312)
- Reference fab provider documentation in Airflow documentation (#36310)
- Create auth manager documentation (#36211)
- Update permission docs (#36120)
- Docstring improvement to _covers_every_hour (#36081)
- Add note that task instance, dag and lifecycle listeners are
non-experimental (#36376)
- Remove ``daskexcutor`` provider from Airflow code (#36269)


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