Hello here,

I have a kind request for help from maintainers (and other contributors who
are not maintainers) - on the Connexion 3 migration for Airflow. PR here
(unfortunately - it's one big PR and cannot be split):

I would love some general comments on this - especially from those who are
more experts than me on those web frameworks - is it safe and ok to
migrate, do we need to do some more testing on that? What do other
maintainers think?

This is not a "simple" change - it introduces a pretty fundamental change
in how our web app is handled - It changes from WSGI to ASGI interface
(though we use gunicorn as WSGI). But it's also absolutely needed -
because we already had some security issues connected with old
dependencies (Werkzeug) - raised - and Connexion 3 migration seems to be
the easiest way to get to the latest, maintained versions of the

That's why I'd really like a few more maintainers - and people from the
Astronomer, Google and AWS to take it for a spin and help to test that
change and say "yep. It looks good, we can merge it".  I would especially
appreciate some more "scale" testing on it. It seems that performance and
resource usage is not affected and ASGI interface and uvicorn should nicely
replace all the different worker types we could have for gunicorn - but I
would love to have confirmation for that.

The PR has been started by Vlada and Maks from the Google team - and
with the help of Sudipto and Satoshi - two interns from Major League
Hacking - supported by Royal Bank of Canada - finally we have a stable,
working version and green PR.  Airflow webserver + API seems to work well,
stable (and generally back-compatible) on both - development (local +
breeze) and PROD image.

I took a mentorship and leading role on it - but personally I have been
learning on the go about WSGI/ASGI and all changes needed -  I am not an
expert at all in those. We followed the directions from Connexion'\s
maintainer Robb Snyders - and I asked him to help and comment on the PR in
a number of places - but  that's why I need more help and experts' eyes and
hands to be quite sure it can be safely nerged.

I extracted it and squashed more than 100 commits on it into a single one
to make it easier to start new conversations.

Once again PR here: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/39055

Also - we need to decide when is the best time to merge the PR - it does
not introduce a lot of changes in the code of the app, but it changes a lot
of test code to make it compatible with Startlette test client - we can
continue rebasing it and fixing new changes for a short while - but I think
the sooner we migrate it - the better - it will give more time for testing
in the future MINOR airflow version.


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