Hello all,

Just a reminder that we will have our dev call today at 4 PM BST (3 PM
GMT/UTC | 11 AM EST | 8 AM PST).

*Proposed Agenda*:
1) Check in on the action items from the last call
2) Discussion: How do we collaborate and discuss efficiently (e.g. Email,
cwiki, Google docs)?
3) Discussion: Airflow Actors doc[1] (Elad)
4) Discussion: Task Context aka Task SDK (Ash)
5) Discussion: Enhanced Data Awareness in Airflow (Constance & TP)
6) Things to follow up via mailing list & Agenda for the next call

Please try to read Elad's document [1] before the meeting if possible. Elad
will also present the document on the call and give folks ~5 minutes to
read it through.

If anyone wants to add an item to the agenda, please add a comment here [2].

A summary of the call will be sent to the mailing list and also posted on
the wiki
I have updated the main page for Airflow 3 on the confluence wiki [3] with
the principles & guidelines agreed last week. I will keep that page
up-to-date as we progress.

If anyone wants to get early feedback on an AIP they are planning for
Airflow 3, please let me know, and I can add it to the agenda for the dev
call. This is not meant to replace the discussion after the AIP is
published on the mailing list but instead to accelerate the early feedback
so that the AIP author can iterate accordingly.


[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/Airflow+Actors
[3] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/Airflow+3.0

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