Good discussion here, few points from our perspective:

- +1 for separating DAG submission into an API endpoint or SDK method. Not
only it creates a clean interface boundary for a parsed DAG, but also
enables other modes of using that endpoint, e.g. event-driven, which could
be a prelude for on-demand DAG processing without the parsing
loop, executing DAG parsing remotely, etc.

- With the interface for DAG submission, the DAG lifecycle of parsing /
serialisation / execution could be decoupled, both technically and in terms
of the AIPs & workstreams of Airflow 3. Having aligned on the boundary
shape, the Google team would be happy to contribute to the DAG parsing /
processing part (which would be a separate AIP, potentially feeding DAGs
into AIP-72).

- DAG parser/processor should assume identity and related accesses in a
similar way to executor described in AIP-72. I don't think they should be
the same component, but could reuse the same parts. The exact shape (and
flow) of DAG parser/processor should be decoupled into a separate AIP
(we're happy to drive this).

- Moving callback execution to workers seems like the right move. Since
some callbacks might have 'central' dependencies, we could have two types
of callbacks: 1) regular callbacks, executed on worker, and 2) remote
callbacks, executed wherever, based on a predefined interface.

Let's discuss further in tomorrow's meeting!

On Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 6:56 PM Jarek Potiuk <> wrote:

> > Sound good?
> Absolutely. I agree with all that. Even more - I think it's OK that
> the implementation part of the DAGFileProcessor changes might be
> shifted to AIP-67. While AIP-72 design should take into account (and
> define) DAG serialization and callback passing, implementation of it
> could be done as part of AIP-67 - so that the team implementing AIP-67
> can build on the foundation of what AIP-72 implement,
> This has the added advantage that the AIP-72 "ways" will be known more
> intimately by more people.
> J.
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