+100 to Kaxil's lovely email summary.

I could not be more proud of the Airflow Community and I am honored to be
part of it!

Jarek sent out the email starting the discussion about Airflow towards the
end of April,
and in the three months since we have discussed, debated, and finally
aligned on a set
of around 15 AIPs targeting Airflow 3, which is just amazing!

This is such a huge jump for Airflow, which I strongly believe will have a
massive impact
on the data space as a whole.

I am inspired by the collaboration and camaraderie in the Community and
looking forward
to the next few months as we switch to 3.0 execution. I am sure it will be
both fun and challenging :)

Have a great weekend you all.

Best regards,

On Fri, Aug 2, 2024 at 2:17 PM Kaxil Naik <kaxiln...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi team,
> Before we head for the weekend, I wanted to take a moment to express my
> gratitude and pride in being part of this incredible community
> I am so honoured, proud and happy! Over the past few months, and especially
> in the last two weeks, I’ve witnessed our brilliant community members come
> together to draft AIPs, review each other’s work, provide constructive
> feedback, and align on delivering what’s best for Airflow 3.0 despite
> occasional disagreements. There is mutual respect between the members since
> they know
> This has to be the most activity I have seen on our dev mailing list, even
> more than 2.0. Kudos to all of you!!. In the last 10 days, we have had 12
> AIPs put to a VOTE, and in the last 24 hours alone, 5 AIPs are being VOTED
> on. The context needed for all these amazing AIPs is immense, so a
> huge shoutout to all the devs who dedicated time to read, understand and
> provide feedback on these discussions. All of these while still working on
> Airflow 2.10, providers, helm chart releases & planning for Airflow Summit
> -- that's incredible.
> A huge thank you to all Stakeholders (managed Airflow service providers)
> who are dedicating engineers for Airflow 3. Special shoutout to the:
> - Amazon team for taking on Event-driven scheduling and getting the Hybrid
> Executor along the line for 2.10 release.
> - Astronomer team with 12 AIPs !! (putting my OSS hat on). Even excluding
> the sub-AIPs, there are still 7 big AIPs.
> - Google team for starting the discussion for 3.1 with Extendable DAG
> parsing controls AIP
> And a special mention to some of our passionate individuals: Jarek, Jens,
> Buğra, and Elad for leading some of the big workstreams. Airflow remains a
> leader in this space because of individuals like you.
> We have 15-16 AIPs targeted for Airflow 3 [1] !! If we are able to get all
> of these, it will be a freaking awesome release with a huge impact on
> Airflow and the larger Data Engineering community. The real fun starts now
> as we shift gears from planning to execution as VOTEs start getting
> concluded.
> The next few months will be game time and I am sure we will have a fun and
> fulfilling ride. Please enjoy every part of it.
> Have a great weekend.
> Regards,
> Kaxil
> [1]:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/Airflow+3+Workstreams

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